May He Rest in Peace

DSC_1269 On his heart will be written, “Fatima Priest”.  May he now rest in eternal peace.

Photos of his requiem Mass

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Volpi Is Not Dead, After All

I just picked this story up on Volpi. Mundabor is reporting that he is not dead. The call for prayers is a most charitable suggestion. Count me in.

“The news spread yesterday of the sudden death of Father Volpi was, as they say, premature. Fr Volpi suffered a massive stroke and is now in critical conditions.

The Lord, in His mercy, has given the man ample ways to reflect on his ways before it is too late. Please join me in my prayers for his health and for the good of his soul; because we Christians pray for our enemies, and do not wish hell or invalidity to anyone. Not even to the likes of Father Volpi.”

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The Pope’s Favorite Theologian Speaks

John Vennari has asked that this very important youtube be widely circulated.  In view of the upcoming Synod on the Family for October, I am happy to oblige.   Keep in mind that Pope Francis has publicly admitted that this Cardinal is his FAVORITE theologian.

Those smiling wolves have sharp teeth.  Don’t be fooled by them.  The only ones who will be taken in are those with “itchy” ears.

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I don’t have time to translate, but the jist of this article is that the commissioner charged with “dismantling” the Franciscans of the Immaculata, Volpi, had a stroke on May 1st and suffered until his death May 5.  The Vatican has remained strangely silent over his death.

There are rumors that the pope is seeking to replace the dead Volpi with a Jesuit to continue the unfinished business of the late Commissioner.

The article in Italian is here:

E Morto Il Kommissario Volpi.

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SSPX Argentina…NewsFlash!!!

What in the world is going on?  The government of Argentina has given an SSPX group official recognition as a Roman Catholic entity, and this with the assistance of a very liberal Cardinal.

The Spanish article titled, The FSSPX Is Recognized in Argentina as Part of the Roman Catholic Church.

The following is a translation of the Spanish, by Michael Fuller found here:

“In Argentina, members of the ultraconservative community founded by the French bishop Marcel Lefebvre -excommunicated by Pope John Paul II in 1988 along with four other bishops formally returned to the Catholic Church.  This follows a decision by the Secretariat of Worship of the Nation -published in the Official Gazette at the end of this week- in which it recognizes that the Fraternity of the Apostles of Jesus and Mary or the SSPX (the Lefebvrists) as a juridical body -the key- and incorporates it into the Registry of the Institute of Consecrated Life, which makes up the congregations and Catholic orders.

For this incorporation a mediation was needed by an order of ecclesiastical authority, in this case, made by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Mario Poli.

The incorporation into the country by the Lefebrists into the Catholic Church occurs while the Vatican maintains difficult negotiations with that community worldwide for its return to Rome. The discussions began in 2000 as was the will of John Paul II.  In 2009, Benedict XVI decided to lift the excommunication of the four bishops -Lefebvre died in 1991, which was one of the demands of the ultraconservative community.

Joseph Ratzinger’s decision -not lacking in controversy- gave a big headache to the German Pope because declarations almost immediately became known from one of the bishops benefiting [from the lifting of the excommunications], residing in Argentina, Richard Williamson, who denied the Holocaust. Then, the government led by Cristina Kirchner decided to deport him.

As Williamson insisted, at least partially, with his opinions, he was put in the forefront of the most radicalized group of the Lefebvrists. He was expelled from the Society of St. Pius X in 2012.

In turn, Benedict XVI suspended him “ad divinis” and in a letter to all bishops admitted being mistaken, by not being informed about the previous denial [of the Holocaust] of Williamson.

The return of the Lefebvrist to the Church in Argentina, which is deducted as having been the approval of Pope Francis- is seen from those near the pontiff as an achievement because it implies that at least one sector of the followers of Lefebvre have accepted the Second Vatican Council. But it certainly will not be met well by progressive sectors. After all, it was the desire of the immediate predecessors of Francis.

In Brazil, it was already some time ago that some of the Lefebvrists returned to communion with Rome, by becoming an Apostolic Prefecture, reporting directly to the Pope.

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Symbolism of Priestly Vestments

Kankakee TLM blog

Kankakee TLM blog

This is a preview of some of the information which will be appearing in the forthcoming book on Understanding the Theology of the TLM:


“The chasuble symbolizes the purple mantle cast about His shoulders in the praetorium, or else the heavy cross laid upon Him…..In short, the priest in his sacred vestments appears before us as Jesus Christ Himself on His way to the suffering of Calvary.” – St. Peter Julian Eymard, Holy Communion

The chasuble has been traced back to the Roman “paenula”, a circular garment with a hole at the top for the head. In the Church’s history, one finds mention of this garment referred to as a “casula” or “planeta”, the latter word signifying a moving star, or planet. The allusion was to the easy sway of the flowing garment which followed the bodily movements of its wearer.

The word “chasuble” has its origins in the word “casa”, a word meaning small house, or hut which designated the original use of this piece of clothing as a protective shelter when worn during inclement weather. In the ancient church, the chasuble was of such ample fullness, that it had to be arranged in folds over the arms of the priest before he started his Mass.

An example of the size and width of the early chasuble was seen when Pope Innocent VIII (d.1492) was exhumed in 1605. It was noted that the chasuble in which he had been interred extended more than 3 ½ ft. over his arms.

“To become a holocaust of love in the service of God and for the salvation of men is assuredly difficult and painful to nature; therefore, the genuine life of a priest is and ever will be a yoke and a burden, therefore the priest prays when vesting with the chasuble: ‘O Lord, Who hast said, ‘My yoke is sweet and My burden light, grant that I may so carry it as to merit Thy grace. Amen.’” – Gihr

*“St. Bonaventure , like other medieval authors, associates the various vestments to certain moments of the Passion: “Our High Priest, Jesus, wore in His Passion, all of the sacerdotal vestments. The amice, when the Jews covered his face; the alb, when Herod cloaked him with a white garment; the chasuble, when, through ignorance, they put on Him the piece of purple. So that nothing was lacking, he had the maniple, the stole, and the cincture when he was fastened to the column. The crown of thorns was the mitre; the reed, his scepter. As to the gloves and sandals, he had His hands and feet covered with His blood. Thus, when Bishops wear these ornaments to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, they do it in remembrance of the Passion of our Lord, of which the Sacrament of the altar is the memorial.”
*Our translation from the Spanish source:

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Breaking!!! Volpi Found Guilty

I am a little late with this breaking news posted on Rorate about two hours ago!

It appears that the Pope’s commissioner immediately responsible for the attempted destruction of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Volpi, has been found guilty.


“The chickens have come home to roost for Pope Francis’ Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI), Fr. Fidenzio Volpi, and possibly just in the nick of time.

“Rorate Caeli contributor Francesca Romana has translated the first report from Chiesa e post concilio reporting that Fr. Volpi will pay the family of Franciscans of the Immaculate founder Fr. Manelli a large cash sum for his “defamation and lies” and make public apologies on all websites he runs and in a letter to all FI friars and nuns.

“For regular readers of this blog, you know that Fr. Volpi was brought in for just one reason: to crush one of the fastest-growing, traditional-minded religious orders in the world — but not on his own: as he admitted in the past, he was “specifically ordered by the Vicar of Christ,” Pope Francis to carry out his mission.

“Our questions now are simple:

“Will Pope Francis now finally rein this man in and force his boot off the throat of an order that only wants to serve God as the saints have all served Him for two millennia?

“And will Pope Francis finally end this unjust commissioning and allow the poor friars who have had to flee the grip of this cruel man to return to their sworn vows and live out the remainder of their vocations in peace? We pray to hear in the affirmative soon.” ______________________

The full account is here: Rorate Caeli

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This Protestant Asks Catholics,”Why???” “Why???”

Did you think you’d ever  see the day when a Protestant publicly corrects a pope?  And when orthodox believing Catholics would have to agree with that Protestant?  You’ll have to see this video.  This preacher is 100% correct in what he says.

There is no way around it. Let’s face it and admit that the media is not spinning the Pope’s words.  What a scandal this papacy is!

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Traditional Latin Mass, Dec. 8, Calumet City

I have been informed of the following TLM:

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Patroness of the United States

On Monday December 8, 2014

—a Holy Day of Obligation—

 Immaculate Conception 2

The Traditional Latin Mass will be celebrated at

Saint Andrew the Apostle Church

768 Lincoln Ave. Calumet City, Illinois,

At 4:30 p.m.

The celebrant will be Rev. Bernard Danber, O.S.A.


The traditional Latin Mass  is regularly offered at St. Andrew Church

on the first Saturday of every month, at 7:30 a.m.

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Medjugorje ‘extraterrestrials’

If you are still clinging to the illusion that Medjugorje is of God, read this and wake up!  The whole thing is creepy, frightening as they reveal themselves to be ….’aliens’ – mouthpieces for Satan himself.  Either that, or they should be in psycho  wards:

Conference of 2012 where they speak like extraterrestrials

“We want to tell you clearly that Tomislav Vlašić and I are both part of the Central Nucleus. We can tell you that the action of the Central Nucleus is a wide-ranging action, which touches the whole reality of the universe, and it touches it primarily in spirit…

“The Central Nucleus is the link between the Archangels, the angels, and I would say, the pure spirits and the humanities faithful to God. At the same time, it unites all the pilgrims who are walking to the house of the Lord, living and dead in the entire universe.

“We feel an obligation to communicate to the people of Earth that God has done great things in the universe…

“Earth is the last planet to receive this announcement

‪”However, if not even a small part of mankind of Earth will respond, God will entrust to another humanity of the universe, faithful to Him, the task of being in charge of the transformation intended for the entire human race.”

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