Pro-abort Rocker invited by Pope to Sing for Christmas

In case you haven’t heard yet, the blasphemous rocker Patti Smith has been invited by Francis to perform at the Vatican for the Christmas concert.

Pope Francis surprised the Curia and called Patti Smith (pro-abortionist singer known as the accursed priestess of rock) to invite her to his Christmas concert to sing on the same stage as Sr. Cristina in the auditorium of via della Conciliazione.

The Portosalvo Committee, a lay group, has been protesting her appearance in a church in Naples, calling it blasphemous. Catholics in that city had even called upon Cardinal Sepe to intervene to prevent her from singing in their church, but then, Francis turns around and does this!

As Sandro Magister stated in a recent interview, “Whereas Francis’ popularity is more conspicuous outside the Church, even if it isn’t eliciting waves of conversions. Actually, with him there seems to be a certain pleasure in outside culture, even hostile, to Christianity.”  That interview can be read in its entirety at Rorate Caeli.

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Government “light”: Cause of Wayward Paths, Says Bishop

“Pope Francis will have to give an account to God.”

The ex-bishop of of Ciudad del Esta, Paraguay, Bishop Livieres, has recently published another letter which our friend Jose Sarto posted today on his blog Página Católica. The  translation from the Spanish is ours:   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The Catholic Church is one; there are not several churches of Christ. But if we look at her in a [purely] human way today, we find that within her, there are very contradictory modes of thinking and living the faith. I do not refer to different modes of thinking and living the same faith, something which is perfectly legitimate. Rather, we see that different kinds of “faith” are given within it. I stress, humanly speaking, because the Catholic faith is one: what has been believed and practiced everywhere, and always by all Catholics as St. Vincent of Lerins said –  what was taught by Jesus Christ and transmitted by the living Magisterium of His only Church.

However, it must be acknowledged that within the Catholic Church, incompatible modes of thinking have coexisted for decades. Already, Cardinal Ratzinger had pointed it out in his famous book about the faith, The Ratzinger Report, which came out in 1985. The dissident groups, instead of voluntarily leaving the Church, or being declared outside the faith and her discipline, remain within it, despite denying [the Church’s] most fundamental principles.

Someone as foreign to theological disputes as Jean-Marie Guénois, a journalist quite sympathetic to all kinds of changes within the Church, has acknowledged in a recent article in the French Le Figaro, that “de facto schisms exist within the Church among many priests and faithful who, for example, no longer accept the Catholic faith on the Virgin Mary, the Eucharist; and who call themselves Catholics when they are, better than Christian, authentic Protestants… The Synod opens a crisis in the Church in the old sense of the word, that is, in the imposing of [the necessity to make] a choice or a decision… It may be that the shock of the Synod opens the eyes of some.”

This that Guénois points out is evident. Does it not seem that today the Church is a conglomerate of contradictory beliefs, that one priest says one thing and another something else, as for example, in the Anglican Communion?

There exist among us, along with the Catholic faith, schisms and heresies along the length and the width of the planet. Those who promote them have declared that it is much more efficient and profitable to remain within the Church, to not depart from her, to work from her interior. They even assume important posts in her government and presume to speak on her behalf, to represent her.

In the last decades, the Church hierarchy knew how to go about finding ways to avoid institutional divisions in the face of this heterodoxy diffused throughout many countries, surroundings and social classes. At times, she succeeded by looking for a consensus through doctrinal formulas more or less acceptable for all, even though, in this way, diluting truths that seemed “difficult”.

The truth is that even in those cases in which valiant contributions and doctrinal precisions were made (Consider the marvel of so many papal documents of these decades), frequently, there was a lack of firmness in implementation, in disciplinary correction and in pastoral practice.  One hand erased what the other had written.

For example, going against the current, and under enormous pressure from the media, Paul VI heroically reaffirmed Catholic morality in his encyclical Humanæ Vitæ.  However, those who publicly opposed his teaching were allowed to continue acting and preaching “as if it were nothing”.  And how many priests and even bishops, although they did not publicly criticize it,  simply ignored the Magisterium of the Pope in the confessional, and allowed or even recommended the use of artificial methods of contraception as well as other serious moral disorders!

After more than half a century of this style of Government “light”, in which coexistence with doctrinal error and pastoral and disciplinary disobedience was not missing, we can see much more clearly that then, it was not the good road required for the circumstances, but that, on the contrary, it has been the cause of many wayward paths which now, regretfully, have reached unsuspected heights and magnitudes.

We have had decades of bad formation in many seminaries and theological faculties. Educated in this environment, some bishops and Cardinals during the recent Synod on the family openly aired through their opinions, many of these confusions on issues as fundamental as the family, the intrinsic immorality of homosexual acts and adultery.

“The Synod opens a crisis in the Church in the old sense of the word, that is, in the imposing of [the necessity to make] a choice or a decision…” I am in complete agreement with this reflection of Mr. Guénois. All of us must choose and decide. None of us can “let the ball pass”.

We have to assume our baptismal vows of faith, be we bishops, priests, religious or laity; old or young; academically formed or with a simple faith. We must, as Jesus Christ and the Apostles, preach the faith “in due season or out of season”, and defend it from errors and deviations, be they on the doctrinal or pastoral level. Therein, we play out not only our salvation, but that of very many men and women who depend on our modest action as “useless servants”, although faithful.

With Peter and under Peter, the hour has now arrived for holy religious to come forth and to make themselves present, that, as new Saint Catherines of Siena, they remind the Church’s hierarchy of compliance with the discharge of their duties. And for bishops disposed to “play for keeps” in   defense of the faith as modern Saint Athanasiuses. And Cardinals that imitate St. Paul and are not afraid to denounce deviations, acts and expressions which sow confusion. And laity, such as new St Thomas Mores, to be disposed to [making] the highest sacrifices, insisting on the indissolubility of marriage, not only at the doctrinal level, but even in the more difficult and politically costly pastoral cases. And also even of children who, like other Tarcisius saints, are willing to sacrifice themselves in order to maintain respect for Holy Communion, which one can only approach to receive when not living in sin.

With Peter and under Pedro, we all must renew our baptismal commitments and defend the integrity (without lapsing into fundamentalism) of the Catholic faith.  St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us that, when it pertains to failure in what concerns faith and morals, fraternal correction should be made publicly, so that errors are not disseminated which may endanger the salvation of unsuspecting people.

Both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its wonderful compendium, which sums it up and makes it precise, are true gems that can serve us all as “maps of the faith” – so we know where we stand, and by which road we need to proceed.

It is good that we appreciate them, study and know them deeply. We must defend what they teach us and correct errors that can misrepresent those truths. Not only in the field of doctrine. Also in the pastoral. Because we live as we think, or we will end up thinking how we live.

The same heroic hour which Paul VI faced when, against the current, he published Humanae Vitae, is thrust upon Pope Francis today.  He is the custodian and supreme guardian of doctrine and the practice of the faith.

He is the custodian and the supreme guardian of the doctrine and practice of the faith. As with all popes, it is for him to be a loyal administrator who must confirm his brothers in the faith.  Let us unite ourselves with him and fervently pray for him so as to accompany him with our filial love in this test with so many pressures and confusion.

We are at peace.  A Pope may not formally teach error.  What can happen, and has happened at times throughout the history of the Church, is that by means of silence and omissions, by means of appointments and promotions, of actions and gestures, authority contributes to the expansion of confusion, and the faithful, who are “fighting” in the missionary trenches of the edge of humanity become discouraged.

It happened in Galatia to St. Peter himself, the first Pope.  After affirming the true doctrine at the Council of Jerusalem, he however, through human respect sowed confusion in Galatia.  But the Lord did not abandon him: he had the grace of counting on the support and the fraternal correction which St. Paul gave him.

Love one another in the truth. That truth which, according to the promise of Christ, is the only one that will make all of us truly free.

S.E.R. Mons. Rogelio Livieres,

Ex-Obispo de Ciudad del Este.



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“He may be false Pope 38”

The biggest attack against Pope Francis: “He may be false Pope 38”

The above is the title given to an article published in Spanish this past Monday on LV12 Online.  (The translation is ours.)

Cardinal Pell ... "conservative, doctrinaire, and authority-based" says former NSW Premier.Cardinal George Pell of Australia, anticipated “divisions” in the Catholic Church: Rebellion against the Argentine Pope, by the hierarchy [that will be] in Philadelphia, when he visits there.

For some time, it has been observed how the more conservative sectors of the Catholic Church have almost always faced the developments implemented by Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis, in a restrained manner,

But this weekend there was a situation which now leaves all in the open with the “anti-Francisco” trend, and which is being put on the table by the Australian and British media.  It pertains to the homily of Cardinal George Pell of Australia, written in Latin, and which he himself could not present due to “health reasons”, but which was made known in the Cardinal’s name at the principle Mass of the nation by another priest.

Pell was terse: [He] hinted that the Argentinean may be false pope number 38 and not the true pope number 266 of the Church. And he gave signs of schism: “In the next 12 months we will have the task of explaining the need for conversion, the nature of the Mass and [of the need for] purity of heart according to the Scriptures to receive Holy Communion.”

“Today”, wrote the prelate, “we have one of the most unusual Popes in history who enjoys almost unprecedented popularity.”

The British journalist Andrew Brown, from the newspaper The Guardian, and a specialist in Vatican affairs , expressed concern. He wrote  that “until yesterday it was certain that the liberal Relatio that sustains the reforms of Francis was unstoppable. But the conservative reaction has been so fierce and with such extensive repercussions that for the first time, the possibility of things coming to a head appears to be more real than distant.”

Up until now, the Catholic Church has had 37 “false” pontiffs, a thing which was remembered from his [Pell’s] homily due to its best explanation of the [Catholic] religion on the island country. Being “false” implies to Catholics that “the devil sent him” and not God, so that the allusion is more grave than a mere internal revolt: the Argentinean Pontiff is accused of being what is called  “an anti-pope”.

Pell accused Bergoglio of “stacking Cardinals” to win positions in the Synod for the Family, and he believed “that kind of thing should be done by consensus”.

 Coincidence from the American Hierarchy

After Burke, Chaput – Important U.S. Cardinals have accused Pope Francis of destabilizing the Catholic Church and turning it into a “rudderless ship” causing the Congregation to feel betrayed, according to [news source] Religión Digital.

Philadelphia Archbishop, Charles Chaput, said that at present the Church is “a ship without rudder” [Cardinal Burke has also said this.] leaving the faithful “a little sea-sick”, due to the Vatican suggesting a softer approach to homosexuality, reports the source, Daily Mail.

These statements come after the Vatican’s Synod on the subject of the family which was held this past October, and which suggested an opening for homosexuals, since these “have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community”.

“I was very concerned about how things were unfolding” at the Synod, said Chaput. “The Church cannot give us a welcome on our own terms.  She welcomes us on the terms of Jesus. That means being a Christian. To submit to Jesus and his teachings. It is not necessary to recreate the body of spirituality”, added the Cardinal, who will meet with Francis in September of next year for the World Reunion for Families to be held in Philadelphia.

The Synod closed with the approval of a document that although not definitive, shows for the first time that the balance is tipping towards the Church’s integration of divorced and homosexual couples, social issues which until now had been left aside by the Vatican. *


*This is not true.  The Church has her unchanging dogma on the moral issues relating to the themes discussed at this synod. I consider this article to be very good except for that last paragraph.  Unrepentant sinners are deluded if they think the Church will change the teachings of her Founder our Lord “Jesus Christ, yesterday, and today; and the same forever.  Be not led away with various and strange doctrines (Hebrews 13:8, 9).


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Smackdown for Kasper!

This is a most recent development following the shameful proceedings and the resultant publication of the first week’s Relatio on the Synod of the Family.  The article is from  the Jóse Sarto blog, Página Católica posted  a couple of hours ago. (The translation is ours.):

Our readers know that Cardinal Burke was in Vienna where he should have celebrated two Masses according to the extraordinary Roman rite, one of which he could not celebrate as we reported in this blog.

 In the context of his visit, he made important statements, which coming from the mouth of so high a Cardinal, are a balm for our souls which are downcast in the desolation caused by the conduct of the one who occupies the Sede Romana.

Here are the news that Gloria TV brings, with our translation:


Burke: “We act as if we were creating the Church out of nothing.”

This past November 4, in Vienna, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke during a meeting organized by Una Voce Austria, presented  the German edition of the book, Remaining in the Truth of Christ, a book comprised of articles from 5 Cardinals.

During his presentation, Cardinal Burke explained that the book is a response to the idea of Cardinal Walter Kasper who “argued in favor of a change in what has been the teaching and the constant practice of the Church” with respect to marriage.  Burke said Kasper called for dialogue, and the five Cardinals have responded with the presentation of well founded studies.

At the Synod of the family, Cardinal Burke saw “the almost complete neglect of the Magisterium”.  It was as if the Church had dealt with, and taught for the first time, regarding marriage, when in fact she has, both in her doctrine as well as in her discipline, one of the richest appreciations of marriage to be found.”  In this context, the Cardinal mentioned “Familiaris Consortio”  of Juan Pablo II, “Humanae Vitae” of Pablo VI, and “Casti Connubii” of Pius XI.

Burke reminded his audience that the Church has two thousand years of tradition: “Today we act as if we were creating the Church out of nothing.”

The  “Relatio Post Disceptationem” of the Synod, is for Burke “one of the most unfortunate documents that could ever be imagined coming from the Church: many of us were horrified with the idea expressed in this document by which, in some manner, there could be good elements in mortally sinful acts. This is impossible.

Furthermore, Cardinal Burke criticized the rupture between doctrine and practice: “One of the most insidious ideas in the presentation of Cardinal Kasper and in the discussions of the Synod, is that: ‘Yes, we confirm the doctrine of the Church in relation to the indissolubility of marriage.’ Even saying: ‘Who might question the doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage? We are talking about a matter of discipline.’  In other words: marriage is indissoluble; we believe in this. But, in certain cases, when a person is married before God, but the marriage, for one reason or another, has failed, (without any mention of who might be culpable), and this person has knowingly and voluntarily attempted another “marriage” and lives with someone who is not a legitimate spouse… In some of these cases, we can remove the indissolubility of the  marriage, and admit those persons to the sacrament of Confession and of Holy Communion.”

This idea”, stressed Cardinal Burke, “is a denial of the indissolubility of marriage. When one confesses a sin, he must have the firm purpose of amendment, otherwise he does not make a valid confession.  How can a person who is living in an adulterous union confess this when he intends to remain in that situation?  These are indisputable facts.

The cardinal explained very clearly: “The discipline of the Church can never be unfaithful to doctrine.”

 “Any kind of discussion that attempts to say that the Church can maintain her teaching on the indissolubility of marriage and, at the same time, to deny this truth in practice, is simply not Catholic. It does not work. It is not acceptable.

 Cardinal Burke mentioned one of the bones of contention at the Synod: “The culture has changed so radically that we cannot teach as we did in the past.”  This, for him, is to “lose hope and faith in Jesus Christ“.

First as a priest and then as Bishop, and according to his own words, Burke has known many couples living in the truth of matrimony, even against the prevailing culture which is a very secularized society. “But this is completely forgotten.  Yes, the culture is very corrupted. Nobody denies it. But we must not retreat behind this reality, but instead, give to the culture that which can save it.

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The Synod Opens the Door

“Does Anybody Know the Direction?

About Francis, Cardinal Marx said: ‘This pope knows exactly what he is doing, let no one doubt that. Francis wants us to move. His frequent use of the word avanti — ‘get moving’ — is ample proof of that.’ wonders whether the Pope believes that adultery and practiced homosexuality will move the Church forward.”


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All Saints TLM, Fairbury, IL

There will be a TLM for the Feast of All Saints:

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Understanding the Sacerdotal Vestments: Origins, Symbolism

We have started a series of posts for FB on priestly vestments to supplement our page on UNDERSTANDING THE THEOLOGY OF THE TLM.  Here is the first of the series:

The priestly vestments worn for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass were derived in style from the secular dress of the Graeco-Roman world. However, Gihr who references Suarez, states that the sacerdotal vestments of the early Church were not street clothing: “To the believing eye and mind it would appear as a desecration of what is most holy, an outrage against the Divine Mysteries for one to attempt to offer the Holy Sacrifice at the altar in the ordinary everyday dress.” It is of tradition that priests were not permitted to wear their officiating garments as profane clothing. Their vestments, though of the ordinary style then in common usage, “as rich and as beautiful as possible…[were] allowed to be worn only at the celebration of the divine Mysteries.”

The ancient forms of vestments were seen up until the 17th century. Gihr contends that after this, a clear understanding of the purpose and the symbolic significance of the specific vestments was lost. It would appear that he did not approve of the smaller and stiff Roman ornaments which Raymond James calls a “mere caricature of the traditional form”  – something which looks more like a scapular.*  We refer to it as a “fiddleback”.

It seems that the reason for cutting away at the ample fit of the early chasuble – thus resulting in the “fiddleback” – was for ease of lifting the arms at the Consecration. With the accruement of ornamentation in elaborate embroidery and precious metals, thicker, stiffer material was needed for support. It was convenient to cut off the fabric at the shoulders for greater ease of movement.

To get an idea of the appearance of a priest celebrating Mass in the ancient, conical style of chasuble, here is a painting of St. Nicholas of Tolentine who lived in the 13th century.

St. Nicolas of Tolentine_Mass


*Source: St. Bede Studio

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Fr. G. Pendergraft at The Carmelite Monastery, MI

Fr. G. Pendergraft, FSSP, in the center

ATTENTION! All those in the Traverse City, Michigan area:

Father Pendergraft, FSSP, will be celebrating Mass at the Carmelite Monastery:

Carmelite Monastery, Infant of Prague
3501 Silver Lake Rd.
Traverse City, MI

Tomorrow, Thursday, OCTOBER 30

Mass time: 6:55 a.m.

He also celebrated this morning’s Mass there.

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It is entirely by Divine Providence that I will not be able to post anything further until the end of the month.

So, I leave you with this thought:  The peace in the Church and in the world has been entrusted to Our Lady.  Until some pope listens and obeys God, we will only see more suffering, more diabolical confusion, and more souls will be dropping into hell.   Russia must be properly consecrated by name as God wants, in union with all the Church’s bishops!

We, the laity, do our part by keeping the First Five Saturday devotions, i.e., praying 5 decades of the rosary; keeping our Lady company while meditating for 15 minutes on the 15 mysteries of the rosary; going to Confession; offering our Holy Communion in reparation for sins committed against our Lady.  We do all of this with the intention of consoling our Blessed Mother and making reparation for the 5 types of sins committed against her!

I realize that some people cannot assist at Mass on Saturdays.  But God is good and merciful.  He does not ask for the impossible.  With a priest’s permission, the devotion may be done on another day, as for example, the first 5 Sundays.

Father Goncalves once asked Sr. Lucia, in a letter of May 29,1930, whether one could fulfill all the conditions on a day other than a first Saturday, perhaps a Sunday. He mentioned that “people in the country, for example, will not be able very often because they live quite far away.” Our Lord answered Sr. Lucia’s confessor when on the night of May 29 – 30, He replied in these words:

“The practice of this devotion will be equally acceptable on the Sunday following the First Saturday when my Priests, for a just cause, allow it to souls.”

Do not make the decision on your own to substitute days. Our Lord specifically said that one must have a priest’s permission.

Believe that this devotion will help save souls!

olfatima-3D001.jpgOur Lady of Fatima, hasten the hour of our deliverance!

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All Is Not Peace at the Synod! The Latest

I have to thank my friend José Sarto once more for being on top of things going on at the Synod on the Family.  The following is our translation of his Spanish blog post on Página Católica, which is a translation from the original Italian.   The author of the original report is Marco Tosati of La Stampa, and can be sound here.  The report is from today’s proceedings.

Pope Francis wiped his eyes at the start of a recent morning session of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican. (Paul Haring/CNS)

Photo credit: Paul Haring/CNS

Another Censorship Causes a Rebellion of the Synod Fathers:

Our readers know that once the Relatio post disceptationem was published, summarizing the expositions by the Fathers during the first week of deliberations, they were to meet in ten language groups (smaller circles) to continue work on it.

 With the analysis completed this Thursday, an attempt was then made to impose a new act of censorship, which Marco Tosati related, and we translated:

 Another censure which caused a rebellion by the synod Fathers:


The General Secretariat of the Synod announced the decision not to publish the reports of the small committee meetings. Then Cardinal Erdö, trying to distance himself from the Relatio post diceptationem published under his name, spoke by saying that if that document had been published, then the results of the committee meetings should also be published.

His intervention was followed by that of many others who expressed themselves in a similar tone to the sound of thunderous applause.

 The Secretary of the Synod, Cardinal Baldisseri, glanced at the Pope as if seeking advice and light, while he [the pope], with a very serious face, remained silent. Also silent were the undersecretaries of the Synod, Fabene, Forte, Schönborn and Madariaga. Kasper was not present. Finally, Father Lombardi announced that committee reports would be made public.


The cunning way in which a small group of Bergoglio’s friends has wanted to co-opt the Synod, reminds those with good memory, of the same maneuvers made during the Second Vatican Council, the schemas of which were completely subordinated by the triumphant heterodox; the same as was done to silence, with the complicity of the press, the orthodox majority.

Perhaps one may be allowed to think that if this time they could not do the same, it is partly due to the existence of so many and so varied a number of blogs which they cannot control, and which have openly recounted what happens.

It also must be said that Cardinal Erdö, Relator of the Synod near whom Francis positioned five of his friends – to the shock of the Church – so that they would help him to write the document, said that the responsibility of that document is not theirs at all, and that the part treating of homosexuality, and universally repudiated, had been written by Bishop Forte whose position on the matter is known, the same who has been appointed Special Secretary for the Synod  by Bergoglio.

 We have not been able to analyze the ten documents, one by a small committee, issued in several languages.  We have been able to see that there are positions found in the similar ones; for example:

Cardinal Schönborn says in the report of committee Gallicus B:


“We reiterate our respect and our welcome to homosexual persons, at the same time that we denounce the unjust discrimination and often violent, that they have suffered and continue to suffer, unfortunately, sometimes even in the Church.”

 “But that does not mean that the Church should legitimize homosexual practices, and much less recognize, as do some States, the so-called ‘marriage’.”

 “Instead, we denounce all maneuvers of certain international organizations to impose on poor countries, through financial blackmail, laws which establish so-called homosexual ‘marriage’.”


 It is unfortunate to use homosexual people, as if it were a natural distinction, an error which Cardinal Robles Ortega clarifies in the Hibericus committee report:

“Turning to no.50, it has been observed that it should not speak of homosexual people almost as if homosexuality were part of his ontological being, but rather of people with homosexual tendencies. It was requested that the text of this number be replaced with the following: ‘Sexuality that makes us to exist as humanity, as masculine and feminine, is an indispensable value in anthropology and in Christian theology. It makes us be the ones for the others, not in lack of distinction, but as complementary…People with homosexual tendencies are also in the need of reception and accompaniment that helps them to grow in the Faith, and to know God’s plan for them.'”


Below we post the link [Italian language] which will enable our readers to read the reports of each of the committees. In doing so, realize that has been made possible, thanks to the “Rebellion in the Synod”.

Synod14 – 12ª Congregazione generale: Relazioni dei Circoli minori, 16.10.2014

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