From the Heart of a Catholic Priest!

I happen to know that the comment which follows, expresses what is on the mind of other priests, who for various reasons prefer to remain anonymous:

“Ok. I want to get something off my chest: I am sick and tired of having would be defenders of the Faith tell me that I am disrespecting or denigrating the Papal Office (and therefore Jesus Christ, who instituted the Papal Office) because I happen to objectively criticize the current Pontiff’s teaching’s via the spoken word, the written word or his actions.

“I am not the one who has dared to contradict the Sacred Scriptures and the constant Tradition of the Church and the Church Father’s by exonerating Judas and holding him up as repentant, and then blame the unmerciful priests ‘who hold to the Law’ for Judas’ hanging if himself!

“I am not the one who has dared reduce Marriage to an ideal, and normalized adultery (and what have you) as the equivalent of marriage, even adulterous acts, nor have I dared to reduce the Church’s concrete and Objective teaching of the Commandments to the realm a subjective conscience’s acceptance of said Commandants!

“I am not the one who has said that the Absolution can be given to those who refuse to amend their lives and remain in their OBJECTIVE STATE OF SIN!

“I am not the one who has DARED to allow the Blessed Sacrament to be desecrated by unrepentant adulterers, fornicators, and sodomites!

“I am not the one who promotes Eugenics via the use of Contraceptives to prevent birth defects!

“I am not the one who has dared to call one of the foremost promoters of Abortion, Sodomy and Euthanasia in Italy and who is personally guilty of murdering over 10,000 babies in their mother’s womb, a forgotten Great of Italy!

“I am not the one who receives blasphemous Hammer and Sickle Crucifix’s and calls them beautiful!

“I am not the one who kisses the feat of the enemies of our Lord and His blessed Cross!

“There are plenty more examples to be given, but these suffice.

The one who has done these things is the one who has heaped disgrace upon the Papal Office!

“The one who has done these things is the one who has dared to disrespect the Sacred Dignity and Responsibility of the Papal Office!

“And all those who openly defend these things or stubbornly refuse to speak of them, especially when they KNOW the Truth, they are guilty of disrespecting and denigrating the Papal Office, the Church and Our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Ok. Thank you for allowing me to unburden myself. May God raise up true defenders of the Faith within the Hierarchy, who for the sake of Fraternal Charity, for the Sake of Salvation, including their own Salvation, who will confront this man, who will rebuke this man and who will withstand this man to his face. Amen. Maranatha! Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

“PS: For all of you parents out there, if your child desired a peanut, would you offer your child a peanut that was visibly tainted with fecal matter and tell them not to worry about the feces on the peanut because it’s still a peanut? Would you not warn your child not to eat that particular peanut because it’s tainted with feces? Of course you would. So, then, why would a good Catholic tell people to receive this document and trust it because it has good teaching in it, and simply ignore the outright crap within it? I’m tired of people telling me to enjoy crap covered peanuts, simply because it’s a peanut!”

The priest is a diocesan priest, who left his comment under this article.  God bless you, Father.   I promise to keep you in my prayers!

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Eastertide – Forget the Sad Days of the Passion, Forget Divine Mercy Sunday

“All things have their season, and in their times all things pass under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1

The Church in her season of Easter gives the faithful 50 days in which to rejoice and celebrate the resurrection of our Redeemer.  These 50 days are a time of exultation, of victory, of fresh waters, lights – for “the Light of the world Himself, rose from the darkness of the tomb” – and alleluias!   Gone are the penitential colors of violet; we no longer mourn over the humiliating and ignominious and sorrowful Passion of our Lord.  It is the season for celebrating the triumphant victory of the Lord of lords and the King of kings!

Dom Gueranger writes:

“Of all the seasons of the liturgical year Eastertide is by far the richest in mystery.  We might even say that Easter is the summit of the Mystery of the sacred Liturgy. The Christian who is happy enough to enter, with his whole mind and heart, into the knowledge and love of the Paschal Mystery, has reached the very centre of the supernatural life. Hence it is that the Church uses every effort in order to effect this: what she has hitherto done was all intended as a preparation for Easter. The holy longings of Advent, the sweet joys of Christmas, the severe truths of Septuagesima, the contrition and penance of Lent, the heartrending sight of the Passion-all were given us as preliminaries, as paths, to the sublime and glorious Pasch, which is now ours.

 “The holy Fathers bid us look on these fifty days of Easter as the image of our eternal happiness. They are days devoted exclusively to joy; every sort of sadness is forbidden; and the Church cannot speak to her divine Spouse without joining to her words that glorious cry of heaven, the Alleluia…”

“[E]very sort of sadness is forbidden.” 

Get that?  Gueranger continues: “…what [Christ] wants from us now, is that we should keep near Him, in company with His blessed Mother, His disciples, and Magdalene, who are in ecstasies of delight at His triumph, and have forgotten the sad days of His Passion.” That is why this Catholic does not participate in the Divine Mercy devotions on the second Sunday after Easter.

The more than 2,000-year tradition of the Church would not have us recall “His most sorrowful Passion” on Quasimodo, or Low Sunday of Eastertide!  Divine Mercy Sunday is a post VII novelty, and no one is obligated to take part, nor should he, for the very reason that Our Lord does not want us to re-live his sorrows at this time.

fiesta-de-cuasimodoIn Chile, there is a most apt celebration for Quasimodo Sunday. The faithful there have a longstanding tradition, which some say was introduced by the Spanish conquistadores.  The celebration is a joyful and triumphant one in which a statue of the living Christ is carried in procession.  Often times, the statue is of the Sacred Heart.

quasimodo Sunday

Recalling that the Council of Trent decreed that every Catholic receive Holy Communion at Easter time, a priest carries Sacred Hosts in this procession while being protected and escorted by a cavalcade of horsemen.  The priest carries the Eucharist to the sick and invalid who were not able to participate in the Easter liturgies, bringing them Communion so that they may meet their Easter obligation.

cuasimodo horsemen escort

These processions are continuing examples of long-standing custom, of a holy and pious tradition which conforms to the triumphant joy of the season Holy Mother Church would have us enjoy.  It is my hope that such devotions never give way to “Divine Mercy Sunday”, a devotion once condemned by Pope John XXIII, and prohibited by the Church until 1978, and which contrary to tradition, evokes the most Sorrowful Passion of our Lord at the most inappropriate time.

Obviously, Divine Mercy Sunday, only introduced about 16 years ago, is a recent novelty, and one which does not fit into the glorious season of Eastertide.

Rejoice!  Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

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Paul VI Approved of Contraception…..FALSE!

I’ve been neglecting this blog since there is such little time these days, but I had to post this because it is so important!   This post is in reference to Francis’s allusion to contraception being justified in some cases.    “Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi has affirmed that the Holy Father was indeed speaking of “condoms and contraceptives” when on the flight back from Mexico….”

A brave priest has weighed in with this information.  The Church has never condoned contraception!  Here is what Father Mullady writes:

father brian thomas becket mullady o p is the son of an air force ...

“Dear Friends: Pope Paul VI never taught that nuns threatened with rape could us contraception. This was an anonymous opinion stated by some member of the congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith which went viral at the time It was never a formal teaching of any Pope but caused much discussion among moralists and is the only example of anyone recommending such an action. The fact that is was an anonymous source should place it in the the dustbin of history. Perhaps Pope Francis was taught it at the time because that was when he was doing his intellectual formation and thought Paul VI might have taught it.”

Reverend Father Brian Thomas Becket Mullady O.P., S.Th.D.

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Bishop A. Schneider on Crisis, SSPX, Schism, Foot Washing for Women…..

Today, February 1, Rorate Caeli has posted an interview with Bishop Schneider which is being made available to other venue for far and wide dispersion.    He doesn’t believe Russia was properly consecrated, and he considers the SSPX to be “a gift for the Church in our days – even as one of the several instruments which the Divine Providence uses to remedy the enormity of the current general crisis.”

Here are a few highlights.  The full article can be read at Rorate.

“The very crisis of the Church in our days consists in the ever growing phenomenon that those who don’t fully believe and profess the integrity of the Catholic faith frequently occupy strategic positions in the life of the Church..”

“A typical Catholic parish priest should know well the perennial sense of the Catholic faith, the perennial sense as well of the laws of the Catholic liturgy and, knowing this, he should have an interior sureness and firmness. He should always remember the Catholic principle of discernment: ‘Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus’, i.e. ‘What has been always, everywhere and from all’ believed and practiced…”

Therefore, the foot washing of women along with the men not only distracts from the main focus on Eucharist and on Priesthood, but generates confusion regarding the historical symbolism of the “twelve” and of the apostles being of male sex.

“…to my knowledge, the healthier part corresponds to the major part of the SSPX and I consider their General Superior, His Excellency Monsignor Bernard Fellay, as an exemplarily (sic) and true Catholic bishop.”

“If the Pope would tell the entire church to do something, which would directly damage an unchangeable Divine truth or a Divine commandment, every Catholic would have the right to correct him in a due respectful form, moved out of reverence and love for the sacred office, and person of the Pope. The Church is not the private property of the Pope. “

“I think in a time in which a great part of the holders of the office of the Magisterium are negligent in their sacred duty, the Holy Spirit calls today, namely the faithful, to step into the breach and defend courageously with an authentic “sentire cum ecclesia” the Catholic faith.”

“The Pope is surely not the measure of tradition, but on the contrary. We must always bear in mind the following dogmatic teaching of the First Vatican Council: The office of the successors of Peter does not consist in making known some new doctrine, but in guarding and faithfully expounding the deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles (cf. Constitutio dogmatica Pastor aeternus, cap. 4). “

” Expressions like “development of doctrine” and “pastoral compassion” are in fact usually a pretext to change the teaching of Christ, and against its perennial sense and integrity, ..”

“According to the intention of Pope Benedict XVI, and the clear norms of the Instruction “Universae Ecclesiae,” all Catholic seminarians have to know the traditional form of the Mass and be able to celebrate it.”

“In denying the celebration of the traditional Mass or in obstructing and discriminating against it, they behave like an unfaithful and capricious administrator who – contrary to the instructions of the house-father – keeps the pantry under lock or like a wicked stepmother who gives the children a meager fare. Perhaps such clerics have fear of the great power of the truth irradiating from the celebration of the traditional Mass. One can compare the traditional Mass with a lion: Let him free, and he will defend himself…”

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God’s Intervention?

The archdiocese of Chicago was intent on destroying the Shrine.   In a letter received from the Archdiocese, the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King, Chicago, had been told that ( quoting from the Institute web page):

“Based on extensive engineering and other evaluations the Archdiocese has concluded that the church building has significant structural issues and to restore the building to its state before the fire and to bring it up to current City of Chicago building code standards is cost prohibitive… Therefore the Archdiocese is moving without delay to demolish the remnants of the structure.”

They wanted to start demolition IMMEDIATELY.  But then comes this letter from a purely secular source which levels some degree of influence.   The Engineering report has concluded that stabilization of the structure would be a relatively easy thing to do.  However, the diocese has plans to start with the demolition of the tower on Tuesday, January 26! Please pray for a miracle to prevent this!


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The Book is Selling! Ever Ancient, Ever New Traditional Latin Mass….

It is truly humbling because this is due totally to the inspiration of grace.    We recently received an order for 12 more of our books, Ever Ancient, Ever New Traditional Latin Mass Compendium of Catholic Doctrine.

Favorable, unsolicited comments keep coming in!  Check them out; and please consider helping the cause for the restoration of the old Latin Mass by purchasing a copy to give to someone who could benefit.


“It’s pretty!” – librarian

“This is lovely, just lovely…such a nice job.”  – Catholic bookstore owner

“This is the best self-published book I have seen…I’d like to get this into our system…who is your distributor?” – Barbara, manager  Barnes and Noble

“This book is priceless.” –  V. M. homeschooling mom, Ontario, Canada

“It probably explains things that most Catholics do not know of the TLM, even if they go to one.”  –  Mark, NJ

“Intro is awesome.” –  D. F., CA

“I loved it!…. It is very meditative.” – Father A., IL

“I want to buy two more; an extra for me, and the other to give to…” – A. F., Il

“You’re book is excellent. Gave one to my inlaws… and they thought it was amazing.” – Jim, Scotland

“Just received your book, and what a wonderful, beautiful book it is!!!”  – J.A., MN

“It’s BEAUTIFUL!! I absolutely LOVE the pencil drawing of “Our Eternal High Priest” on page iii.  Will be ordering more copies.” – M.P., U.S. Pacific Island

“..gave one to Dr. Peter Kwasniewski [professor of Theology and Philosophy], and he ‘Loved it!'” – M. K., IL

“The books arrived Just today!! They are beautiful!  (I will be giving one to Dr. Brady)” –  Dr. A. M., Guatemala

“Thank you for writing this book….you have touched a heart!” – K.M. MI

I just received my copy of your book – it is EXTRAORDINARY. What a wonderful job. Thank you.” – R.B., ME

“The book is fascinating….It reminds me of so many things!” Priest, Midwest

“I use your book for Catechism!”, Fr. S., traditionalist community

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Archdiocese is moving without delay to demolish the remnants of the structure…..

The following is the latest development concerning the situation of the Shrine of Christ the King, which burned down on October 7.  The archdiocese of Chicago has announced it’s decision:


Dear donors and supporters,

As the new year begins, we would like to draw your attention to the latest status of the Shrine. Please pray with us for the Shrine and look for more updates in the coming weeks. Thank you for your continued support!

Shrine of Christ the King Status Report

The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest has received a letter from the Archdiocese of Chicago summarizing the results of their substantial efforts to ascertain the best course of action for the Shrine building after the devastating October fire. Based on extensive engineering and other evaluations the Archdiocese has concluded that the church building has significant structural issues and to restore the building to its state before the fire and to bring it up to current City of Chicago building code standards is cost prohibitive. The Archdiocese is predominantly self-insured and therefore there is no resort to an insurance claim with an external insurer.

Therefore the Archdiocese is moving without delay to demolish the remnants of the structure. The Archdiocese has offered the Institute the opportunity to propose a plan for rebuilding a new church on the same site. The Institute is carefully considering this as a first option, mindful of its pastoral dedication and the Shrine’s important place in the Woodlawn and Hyde Park communities. As another option, the Archdiocese has offered a South Side church which is now available for occupancy.

The Institute remains committed to its daily mission at the Shrine of living the truth in charity for the good of souls and the benefit of the local community. Thus, the Archdiocese will renew its lease with the Institute for our continued use of the rectory and parking lot. The Institute is deeply grateful for the prayers and generous support of the Shrine faithful and friends, particularly at this challenging time of discernment.

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A 1599 Hymn in Náhuatl for O.L. of Guadalupe

I posted this video on Fb for the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe yesterday. It is a hauntingly beautiful piece of polyphony. The words were originally a prayer addressed to our Lady of Guadalupe.  In 1599, the then popular prayer was set to music; and now, we are able to hear what this piece sounded like to the ears of Spaniards and natives of New Spain hundreds of years ago!

The words are in the Náhuatl language of the Aztecs. It was found in the oldest (post-conquest) manuscript known to exist. The work lay hidden until 1931, when a priest by the name of Canon Octaviano Valdés discovered it in a small town in Mexico.


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A True Missionary of Mercy, Fr. Byers Addresses the Pope

Who is this brave priest, and why aren’t more of our clergy speaking out like he is doing?


“The Holy Father is speaking to Lutherans. Private conscience and private faith is a big deal for them. When Pope Francis says that it is not his competence to give permission to a public sinner or non-Catholic to go to Communion, and then says that it is up to the conscience of the person involved, he is saying that the Pope has no role to play in the formation of the conscience of an individual, because it is all up to the individual before the Lord. But that is a doctrinal statement if there ever was one. And Francis intends to pronounce solemnly on much of the controverted aspects of the Synod on the family. If he tries to teach this as a doctrine, as I say, he will not be able to do so.”


“I had to wonder before if your recent interview with Eugenio Scalfari was correctly reported. I now have no doubt.

“With due respect to your person and your office, I ask you not to make this kind of thing part of what you want to publish about the Synod with the authority of the infallible ordinary magisterium, which you inferred you would most certainly do in your speech of October 17, 2015.

“If you do this, going against the doctrine of the Church, grave matters of faith and morals, on so very many points on so very many levels…”

Read the entirety of his open letter to the Holy Father here!

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Institute of Christ the King, Chicago News

The Canons of the Institute of Christ the King are ever grateful for your donations, prayers and moral support offered to them after the devastating fire at their Chicago Shrine.

In gratitude, the canons are offering weekly Masses for all donors and their intentions.  There is still a great need for funds, and if you can find it in your heart to make a donation for the restoration of the building, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Know that your charity will not be without greater recompense, for what amount of money could compare to the flow of graces from one, holy Sacrifice of the Mass?

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