TLM in Honor of O.L. of Guadalupe; Blessed Roses

We tend to associate our Lady of Lourdes with bodily healing, forgetting that Our Lady, when invoked under her title of Guadalupe, has also been known to cure bodily infirmities.  One of the most striking examples was way back in the beginning when the newly converted populace, on Christmas day, 1532,  was transporting in procession our Lady’s miraculous image to her newly constructed edifice. The enthusiasm and ardor was such that one of the arrows shot into the air accidentally pierced the throat of one of the natives.  One can imagine the damper on this exuberant celebration upon seeing a devotee of our Lady, bleeding from the neck, lifeless.

However, upon inspiration from the Holy Ghost, the dead man was brought before our Lady’s image, whereupon he was restored to life! One can imagine the weeping with joy, the gratitude that must have overwhelmed the hearts of the faithful!

But it was St. Juan Diego’s uncle, the dying Juan Bernardino, who was first to be graced with a personal visit by our Lady to his home in 1531, and on the spot, restored to good health.

So many miracles by our Lady have been recorded, with some of the most significant serving for our edification and to increase our confidence in our Mother.  In her words to St. Juan Diego, she also speaks to all her children: “Hear me and understand well, my little one, that nothing should frighten or grieve you. Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who am your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within the fold of my mantle? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything.”

In 1554 a plague broke out, which quickly claimed the lives of more than 12,000 persons.  A public procession to Our Lady’s shrine was organized, and by the very next day, the death rate began to ebb off, and the plague soon ended.

Other outbreaks of rampant disease occurred in 1633 and 1695, when again, with a procession, and with a novena to our Lady, she put an end to the death-dealing calamities. Many, many other such historical accounts have been recorded, when our Lady, as compassionate Mother has hastened to assist those who with faith and love invoke her aid. She still loves her children and will speedily hasten to come when invoked.  So many can attest to her signal graces!

Last year, the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago had their first TLM in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Afterwards, Canon Talarico blessed roses for the faithful to take home; we were encouraged to take them to the sick.  These roses were given a traditional blessing:

“…by the sign of the Holy Cross let these roses be endowed with such blessing that the sick to whom they are brought and whose homes they adorn may be healed of their infirmities; and let them drive away in fear and trembling the devil with all his followers, nevermore to molest the people who are Thy servants.”

I still possess some of those blessed roses.  I dried them and had them laminated, printing a prayer to our Lady of Guadalupe on the backside.  It a very nice sacramental to have and to share.

This year, the Chicago apostolate will once more be celebrating our Lady’s feast day, with sermon in English and Spanish, and the traditional blessing of the roses.  I understand that a social hour will follow.  Please come, and invite Spanish-speaking Catholics and all who are active in the pro-life movement.

I will most certainly be there!

Wednesday, December 12   –   7 p.m.

Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

6415 S. Woodlawn, Chicago, IL

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