So Which is It?

“Pope says Church cannot be obsessed with gays, contraception, abortion”

So read the latest headlines of the secular news.

“Pope Francis said the Catholic Church should not allow its bans on gay marriage, abortion and contraception to dominate its teachings, but must be a more welcoming Church where priests are understanding pastors and not cold, dogmatic bureaucrats…..”otherwise even the moral edifice of the Church is likely to fall like a house of cards…”

Hey didn’t he say a few days ago that the Church is at it’s strongest?

I have not been posting on what this pope has been quoted as saying because, quite frankly, he is an embarrassment to me.  But it is getting to be too much.  Someone should advise him to keep quite in his personal opinions, since all we need is the Church’s dogma – not personal opinions.  He is worse then his predecessors.

Here is the story from Reuters:


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2 Responses to So Which is It?

  1. Fiat says:


    The statement from a few days ago about the Church being at its strongest was too much to take. This Pope is so diabolically disoriented. I can sympathized with those who are claiming the world is about to end. I sympathize, but of course, I do not believe that. We have yet to see the fulfillment of our Lady’s promise that after the proper consecration of Russia, God will grant humanity a period of peace.

    In the meantime, things will only get worse. Honestly, I have been tempted to end this blog because I do not wish to report only the bad news. It would be so easy to become sarcastic and bitter.

    It seems obvious to me that the Holy Father denigrates traditionalists, so yes, I am what he would probably consider Pelagian and triumphalist.

    Well, if modernism is the synthesis of all heresies, there is the problem because in one way or another it seems that the diabolical errors which attacked the Church in the past, had been resurfacing and then finally, with VII, given an open window through which to enter the Church.

    I remember the prophecy of St. Anthony Claret in which he warned that in the latter days, the Church and the world would be assailed by three scourges: Protestantism, Communism, (and I can’t remember the third. 🙂


  2. Martial says:

    I don’t know which it is. I’m not holding my breath for any clarity from the Holy Father. I’m still wondering who the “Pelagians and Triumphalists” are myself and whether he mean’t people like me? Clarity from Popes of the last 40+ years hasn’t been a strong point…more often than not one is left to sift through verbose, cloaked or veiled references and off the cuff statements to draw one’s own conclusions. I’m waiting for the “Jansenists” whose ideas “was a radical programme of liturgical reform based of the idea of restoring the liturgy to the “pristine” norms of a golden age of the primitive Church. The positions of that synod were condemned by Rome in the Bull Auctorem fidei of 1794. Many of the modern reforms in the Catholic Church were to some extent influenced by historical Jansenism, rather than Protestantism which is usually blamed by traditionalists.

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