Recent excerpt of an interview, with my emphasis, granted by Monsignor Nicola Bux, consultant to the Office of Liturgical celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff:
“The Pope celebrates the liturgy in a subdued, not loud, way. He also wants the prayers, songs, and anything else not to be in exhibitionist tones. And two special actions in his liturgies that are obvious should be noticed: he places the Cross between himself and the assembly, indicating that the liturgical rite is not addressed to the priestly minister, but to Christ; and kneeling [and on the tongue] in the reception of Communion, indicating that this is not a supper, in the worldly sense of the word, but a communion with the body of Jesus Christ, that is worshiped first, in the words of St. Augustine, and only then eaten.”
Remember from our old catechisms? The Mass is primarily and foremost a SACRIFICE of a VICTIM-our Savior and Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ-to His heavenly Father as propitiation for our sins. Is that the clear impression you get when attending your typical N.O. Mass?
If not, perhaps you should start attending the TLM.
(Credit for graphic goes to Angelqueen where I found it.)