Now is the Time for Saints!

“As earth far from the sea is arid, so souls which stray from this august Queen cannot produce fruits of life.”

St. Teresa of Avila says that the progress of our soul consists in resolving to do much for God; we must make resolutions and keep them.  He asks nothing beyond our capabilities:  fulfillment of our daily duty, prayer, prayer, prayer.

The surest and fastest way to make progress in sanctity is to put oneself into the hands of our Blessed Mother.  Pray the daily rosary and wear her brown scapular.  If it is difficult for you to pray the five mysteries on a daily basis, sign up with the Universal Living Rosary, and ONE daily decade will be assigned to you. That’s only ten Hail Mary’s!  There is no excuse for not praying the rosary when God through the authority of His Church condescends to make it so simple.   Joined to 14 others like yourself, you will merit the graces of the entire 15 mysterious. (See the ULRA link on the side.)

Now is the time for saints. If you are reading this, God is asking this of you.

Here are some simple and practical suggestions for resolutions:

  •  When you stop at a red light, say a Hail Mary.
  •  When you see an outdoor image of our Blessed Mother, say “My Mother, I love you.”  She will in turn, face her Divine Son, and transmit that act of love to Him.  That’s how She is.
  •  Upon waking, immediately say “My Jesus, I am thine, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
  •  Parents, bless your children every night.
  •  Throughout the day, pray frequently the prayers of the angel of Fatima.
  •  Thank God frequently.  He is so good and generous, that daily He sends us little  tokens of His love.   Watch for them.  He delights in surprising His  children.

His Grace will inspire you to think of other resolutions to make and keep.

It is the little souls who are destined to form the heel of the foot of Our Lady that will crush Satan’s head – souls like you who will love our dear Lady as did the three children of Fatima.  Little Jacinta was heard to say: “I so love the Immaculate Heart of Mary! It is the Heart of our dear Mother in heaven.”

Sister Lucia, Blessed Francisco and Jacinta, pray for us!  Let’s ask God for the grace to love our Lady as did the children of Fatima.  The world desperately needs saints.

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