My Summer Perusal: Vatican

The following is something I wrote earlier this summer; after saving the document, I plain forgot about it, until this morning that is, when I was searching for my text on St. Hildegarde.  Today is as good a day as any to post it.


 I’ve just finished reading a 600+ page book.

Ever since I was a little girl I have been a bookworm.  When in grade school, one of my teachers – either Sr. Joan, or Sr. Regina, I can’t quite remember who –  put up a board decorated with little worms.  The idea was to encourage reading by placing the names of students on that board, along with the number of books each student read. That year, I went through the school library devouring books just so  my name would show the highest number.  I discovered what a pleasure reading was.  I do not remember whether I was the winner, but that didn’t matter anymore.  Reading became my absorbing pastime, and thereafter, my parents can attest to the fact that I was often seen with a book literally under my nose.

Years later, when “confessing” this consuming passion to a priest, he told me that that would not always be the case.  I wondered, but, really, I didn’t believe him.    It turns out Father was correct.  Life’s circumstances change, priorities set in, obligations  must be met.  Over the last few years I have not been reading as much.  I don’t really have the time anymore.  So when my son went to a book-sale and came back with a bag full of great bargains, and he showed me one particular book, the reading of which he thought I would relish, I looked at it with keen interest.  But realistically considering that our vacation was nearly over – the book was 655 pages long – that once back home, I wouldn’t be able to finish, I therefore decided it would be best to not even start.  Besides, the book was only a novel, and I prefer non-fiction.  The book was Malach Martin’s Vatican


Curiosity got the best of me, though, and I did start, staying up quite late to finish reading it.  Think what you may of Malachi Martin.  I know he was a controversial figure, but no one will dispute that he was a beguilingly and provocative story-teller.  In the book, he is deferential to the post-conciliar popes, even to Montini and the host of other liberals in the bedeviled Vatican bureaucracy.   I enjoyed this book even more so than Benson’s Lord of the World.  I have to agree with his conclusion that the Church is in for a “rough ride” in the not-so-distant future.

Some of his characters are:

Papa Eugenio Profumi — Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli)

Papa Angelica — Pope John XXIII (Roncalli)

Papa DaBrescia — Pope Paul VI (Montini)

Papa Serena — Pope John Paul I (Albino Luciani)

Papa Bogdan Valeska — Pope John Paul II

Paolo Lercano — Michele Sindona

Cardinal Rollinger = Cardinal Ratzinger

Archbishop LaSuisse = Abp. Lefebvre

Msgr. Sugnini = Msgr. Bugnini

Cardinal Levesque = Cardinal Lercaro

Roberto Gonella — Roberto Calvi

Cardinal Buff of Westminster — Cardinal Hume of Westminster

Metropolitan Nikodim — Metropolitan Nikodim

Brother Reginald of Zaite — Brother Roger of Tazie

Benjamin National Bank — Franklin National Bank

“Problem Two” aka P2 — Italian Masonic Lodge P2

The novel merely skims over an essential and crucial event for our Apocalyptic times, and that is Fatima. The Secret of Fatima speaks of persecution against the Church and the Holy Father, no doubt a future pope who will work fearlessly to restore the brilliance of the dogma of faith and to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Martin’s book suggests such a pope will be selected, and with that he concludes his book.

Pius IX, who coincidentally was born on a Fatima date – May 13, once made an astonishing remark: “In 1871, on the 25th anniversary of his election, he said to a French deputation presided over by Mgr. Forcade of Nevers: ‘There will be a great wonder that will astonish the whole world. This wonder, however, has to be preceded by the triumph of the Revolution. The Church will have much to suffer: her ministers and head first and foremost will be dishonoured, persecuted and martyred.’” (Le Hidec, p. 87)

Let us work, pray, and sacrifice that God in His mercy may hasten that wonder which will be the triumph of our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

P.S. My son spent 50 cents on the hardback copy.  That fact made the book even more enjoyable. 🙂

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