Finding Purpose in Life Through the Mass

With the aid of grace, let us resolve to delve more deeply into the mystery which unfolds before our very eyes when assisting at Mass.  After I watched this, one of my thoughts was that it is so easy to understand why Satan hates the traditional Latin Mass.

This video most beautifully portrays what we have attempted to do with our “Theology of the TLM in Pictures” series. I would suggest watching it when you have a little time.  It is not something one can rush through.

After Mass, don’t forget your thanksgiving.

“When Mass ended I remained with Jesus to render Him thanks. My thirst and hunger do not diminish after I have received Him in the Blessed Sacrament, but rather, increase steadily. Oh, how sweet was the conversation I held with Paradise this morning. The Heart of Jesus and my own, if you will pardon my expression, fused. They were no longer two hearts beating but only one. My heart disappeared as if it were a drop in the ocean.”

–  St. Pio of Pietrelcina

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2 Responses to Finding Purpose in Life Through the Mass

  1. Fiat says:

    You are welcome, Elizabeth. I loved it, too.

    Every morning I send my Guardian angel to attend Father……’s TLM Mass, and I try to assist in spirit while I make breakfast and pack lunches. This morning, I tried visualizing what I had seen on this video, and it made my efforts so much easier. This video is going to be an extremely useful aid in my spiritual life!

    God bless!

  2. Elizabeth Fitzmaurice says:

    Thanks for posting that video. Beautiful, beautiful. I saved it to watch all of it later when I have more time to spend with it.

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