“Give up Communion…???

 Don’t we all want to do great things for God?   The times call for great saints, but where do we begin? Aaah, the answer is so simpleMy prayer for everyone reading these line is that God will give you  a great thirst for a  strong prayer life.   Always keep in mind what St. Eymard says: “..when God intends to ennoble a soul, He increases..its spirit of prayer.”

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Awesome Chant! Solesmes It Ain’t.

What I wouldn’t give to hear this on Easter morn at our TLM! This chant evokes POWER, strength, life, yes, triumphalism!

Hearing “Crucem sanctam” almost takes my breath away.  Enjoy.

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One of the Earliest Pictographic Catechisms

A pictographic catechism of the Franciscan friar Pedro de Gante evidently influenced by Aztec writings. This catechism not of words, caused quite a stir in Europe at a time when Calvinistic iconoclasm was attacking the Catholic modes of transmitting the faith by means other than the word, i.e., of statues, relics, stained glass, etc.

For Pedro de Gante the pictograph was an effective instrument to transmit Truth,  which upon entering the soul, could then be acted upon by grace.   “Doctrine, prayers, and primary letters, are internalized in the indigenous soul by means of the figures.  In this way, Castilian entered first through the eyes and later through the ears.”  1

“..one of the first concerns of the missionaries was to find the most appropriate method with which to succeed in their work of education. The adoption of pedagogical practices in use by the pagans, a keen knowledge of the indigenous spirit, and the valuable cooperation of native communities facilitated the creation of the earliest nuclei of education.  These constituted the solid substrata of the most advanced educational institutions of the 16th century.”  2


Note:   Quotes are from Salvat’s Historia de México, vol. 5 – installment 72

Doctrina, oraciones y primeras letras se internaron en el alma indígena por medio de figures.  De esta forma el castellano entraba primero por los ojos y luego por los oídos. 

…una de las primeras ocupaciones de los misioneros fue la de buscar el método más apropiado, con el cula poder desarrollar su labor educative.  La adopción de  prácticas pedagógicas en uso durante la gentilidad, un agudo conocimineto del espíritu indio y la valiosa cooperación de las comunidades de natives faciltaron la creación de los primeros núcleos de instrucción.  Estos constituyeron el sustrato firme de las instituciones educativas más avanzadas del siglo XVI.

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A Priest after the Heart of Jesus!

Remnant interview with Fr. Rodriquez:

Michael J. Matt (MJM): First off, Father, I’d like to thank you for the stand you’ve taken in recent months in defense of the Church’s moral teaching, especially with respect to so-called ‘gay marriage’. Catholics all across the country have been following your case, and we’re delighted to have a chance today to ask you a few questions. Before we get into the “controversy”, however, I wonder if you’d mind telling us a little something about your personal background?

Father Rodriguez (FR): Not at all. I was born in El Paso, Texas, on August 23, 1970, the middle child of five. Many years later my parents adopted a sixth child, my youngest sister. As I grew up in the early ’70s, I was completely unaware of the disastrous post-Vatican II revolution that was sweeping throughout our beloved Catholic Church. Thanks be to God, I was raised by parents who were staunch Catholics with their childhood roots in the pre-Vatican II Catholicism of México. An example of the depth of these roots is that my maternal grandmother (born in 1906, in Aguascalientes, México) never accepted the Novus Ordo. She left this passing world in August 2002, always true to the Ancient Rite. Requiescat in pace. Even though my parents had accepted and adapted to Novus Ordo Catholicism during their post-collegiate years, they nevertheless raised us similar to how they had been raised: fidelity to Mass (albeit the Novus Ordo) and Confession, praying the Holy Rosary at home in the evenings, praying novenas and the Stations of the Cross, etc. As I reflect back on my childhood, it was a time of great grace and blessings. Even though my parents failed to hold fast to all the venerable traditions of our Faith and the Ancient Rite, they still did an excellent job of instilling the Faith in us. Interestingly enough, we four older children (born between ’67 and ’74) are now ardent supporters of the Traditional Latin Mass, even more so than our parents.

MJM: And are there one or two persons in your life that mentored you and helped you to remain open to God’s call?

FR: My parents, Ruben and Beatrice, were the ones who were most instrumental in my eventual discernment of a vocation to God’s holy priesthood. Through my father, God blessed me with discipline, fortitude, perseverance, and a love for study. Through my mother, God graced me with the convictions of faith, awe for the Catholic priesthood, a tender devotion to our Blessed Mother, and a love of religion.

MJM: At what point in your life did you know you had a vocation?

FR: I was raised in El Paso, TX, but spent four years (1981-1984) living with my family in Augsburg, Germany. We returned to El Paso, and I began high school. Following my junior year, I spent the summer (1987) at M.I.T. University in Cambridge, MA. I was participating in a special program for gifted minority students from around the nation. The program was geared to recruiting us to study engineering and science at M.I.T. as undergraduates. Well, our good God had different plans for me! I left El Paso that summer thinking I’d study electrical engineering (like my father) upon graduating from high school, only to return from Boston six weeks later, announcing that I wanted to enter the seminary! My mother was overjoyed.

MJM: Clearly, someone was looking out for you. Do you have a favorite saint, by the way?

FR: My favorite saints are: St. Michael the Archangel, St. John the Baptist (largely due to my 9 1/2 years at this El Paso parish), St. Paul the Apostle, St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and, to no surprise, the holy Curé of Ars. I have a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary under three of her specific titles: Immaculate Conception (I was ordained to the priesthood on Dec. 8, 1996), Mater Dolorosa, and Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.

MJM: And, liturgically—where would you place yourself? I know you offer the traditional Latin Mass, but is it accurate to describe you as an outright “traditionalist”?

FR: Liturgically, I’m 100% behind the Traditional Latin Mass, which is without question the true Mass of the Roman Catholic Church. Theology, liturgy, Catholic spirituality and asceticism, and history itself all point to the obvious superiority of the Classical Roman Rite. Unfortunately, all of my seminary formation was in the Novus Ordo, and I only “discovered” the Latin Mass about six years ago, so I still have a lot to learn in terms of “real Catholicism,” i.e. “traditional Catholicism.”

MJM: What was it initially that led you to begin offering the old Mass?

FR: About six years ago, several members of the faithful began asking me if I would be interested in offering the Traditional Latin Mass. At the time, there was serious concern on the part “El Paso’s remnant” of traditional Catholics that the Jesuit priest who was offering the Latin Mass twice a month (under the 1988 Ecclesia Dei “Indult”) was going to be transferred. Thus, they were looking for another priest who would be willing to offer the Latin Mass. At first, I declined, not so much because I wasn’t interested, but due to the immense workload which I was already carrying.

As the weeks passed, I began to study the prayers and theology of the Traditional Latin Mass. The more I studied, the more my awe and amazement grew. I was “discovering” not only the true Catholic theology of the Mass, but also the true Catholic theology of the priesthood, and so much more! Throughout my first nine years of priesthood, I had struggled to make sense of the very serious problems which exist in the Church. At this point, it was obvious that an extreme crisis pervaded the Church and her hierarchy, but why? I just couldn’t quite understand how all of this “diabolical disorientation” had come to pass . . . until the brilliant light of the true Catholic Mass (“Emitte lucem tuam et veritatem tuam . . .”) began to penetrate my priestly soul. This “discovery” of the Traditional Latin Mass has been, by far, the greatest gift of God to my poor priesthood.

MJM: So this gives us an idea of how Pope Benedict’s motu proprio Summorum Pontificum can and does impact priests who might otherwise never have had the opportunity to discover this great treasure. Given how it impacted you, how do you believe Summorum Pontificum will impact the Church long term?

FR: Unfortunately, both Summorum Pontificum and Universæ Ecclesiæ have plenty of weaknesses. Nevertheless, these documents do represent an initial step in what will probably still be a long and arduous “Calvary,” i.e. the quest of traditional Catholics to restore the Cross, the Mass, the kingship of Jesus Christ, and true Catholic doctrine, outside of which there is no salvation. In Article 1 of Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict XVI writes that “due honor must be given to the Roman Missal promulgated by St. Pius V for its venerable and ancient usage.” This directive of our Holy Father is currently being disobeyed almost universally. In the accompanying letter to the world’s bishops (July 7, 2007), Pope Benedict XVI writes, “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place.” These remarkable words of our Holy Father are also being disrespected and disobeyed almost universally, especially by many bishops. Finally, Universæ Ecclesiæ, No. 8, states very clearly that the Ancient Rite is a “precious treasure to be preserved” and is to be “offered to all the faithful.” Where in the entire world of Catholicism is this directive actually being obeyed? The same number from Universæ Ecclesiæ emphasizes that the use of the 1962 Roman Liturgy “is a faculty generously granted for the good of the faithful and therefore is to be interpreted in a sense favourable to the faithful who are its principal addressees.” This is an astounding statement. This statement from Rome means that the use of the 1962 Missal doesn’t depend on a particular bishop’s liturgical views, preferences, or theology. It’s not about the bishops! On the contrary, it’s about the faithful! Where in the entire world of Catholicism is this directive actually being obeyed?

MJM: Are you now able to offer the old Mass exclusively?

FR: Since I began my new assignment (Sept. 24, 2011) out in the rural, isolated missions of the El Paso Diocese, I’ve offered the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively. I consider this to be a marvelous and unexpected blessing from Providence in the midst of a very difficult trial. I hope to continue offering the Traditional Latin Mass exclusively. If it were strictly up to me, I would never celebrate the Novus Ordo Missæ again. However, the sad reality of having to “obey” in the Novus Ordo Church that has largely lost the Faith, and the need to reach out patiently to Novus Ordo faithful who have been so misled, means that I will probably be “forced” to celebrate the Novus Ordo occasionally. In these instances, however, it will be the Novus Ordo ad orientem, with the Roman Canon, the use of Latin, and Holy Communion distributed according to traditional norms.

MJM: Up until last year, I believe, things were pretty quiet in your priestly life. What happened to change all that?

FR: The local, and even national, “controversy” that has engulfed me is due to the fact that I have been vocal in promoting what the Roman Catholic Church teaches in regard to the whole issue of homosexuality. It’s a disgrace, but the City Council of El Paso has been adamant in trying to legitimize same-sex unions. This goes completely contrary to Catholic Church teaching. I’ve made it clear to the Catholics of El Paso (and beyond) that every single Catholic has a moral obligation before God Himself to oppose any government attempt to legalize homosexual unions. A Catholic who fails to oppose this homosexual agenda, is committing a grave sin by omission. Furthermore, if a Catholic doesn’t assent to the infallible moral teaching of the Church that homosexual acts are mortally sinful, then such a Catholic is placing himself / herself outside of communion with the Church. These are the Catholics who are actually excommunicating themselves, not the Society of St. Pius X!

MJM: I can understand why the civil authorities and media might find this “controversial”; but why would your ecclesial superiors find it so?

FR: The dismal response of both civil and ecclesiastical authorities to the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church in regard to homosexuality demonstrates how extreme the current crisis of faith actually is. It really can’t get much worse. There’s hardly any faith left to lose! Even a pagan, bereft of the light of faith, can arrive at the conclusion that homosexual acts are intrinsically evil. Reason, natural law, and consideration of the male and female anatomy more than suffice to confirm this moral truth.

MJM: And yet you must go where the bishop tells you to go. Is this difficult for you?

FR: In my particular circumstances, obedience to my bishop has been incredibly difficult. Nevertheless, obedience is essential to the priesthood, and I intend to be obedient. One consoling aspect of “sacrificial,” “death-to-self” obedience, is that the Holy Ghost will always come to one’s assistance. I’m reminded that my poor sufferings are nothing compared to those of Mater Dolorosa and our Divine Redeemer. If I’m counted as one even slightly worthy to suffer for the Faith and the Traditional Latin Mass, I will consider myself profoundly blessed. God is so good.

MJM: As you are already living through a form of persecution, I assume you foresee more to come not only for you personally but for all Catholics who stand in defense of Church teaching. But what about the future? Any hope?

FR: Yes, I do foresee plenty of persecution still to come for all those who remain steadfast in the Faith and in their adherence to the Ancient Rite. However, the promise of our Savior cannot but fill our souls with hope, “Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’s sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for My sake. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven.” (Mt 5:10-12)

MJM: How can lay Catholics best survive this crisis of faith?

FR: In order to overcome this crisis of faith, we must (1) do everything in our power to recover the Catholic Faith: the Ancient Rite, traditional Catholic teaching in doctrine and morals, the theology and philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, traditional Catholic piety and devotions, and a traditional Catholic “code of living” or “rhythm of life.” (2) On a daily basis we must strive to pray, study, fast, do penance, and practice charity with the aforementioned goal in mind. Finally, I strongly urge all faithful Catholics to (3) pray the Holy Rosary daily and heed our Blessed Mother’s Message at Fatima.

One of the hallmarks of the Traditional Latin Mass is its exquisite and concentrated focus on eternity. If we are to survive and overcome this terrible crisis of faith in the post-Vatican II Catholic Church, we have to keep our intellect and will focused on eternity. We cannot lose hope when, from a worldly perspective, all seems lost. Jesus Christ promises “the kingdom of heaven” to those who endure persecution, and “a great reward in heaven” to those who suffer for His sake. (Mt 5:10-12) The final goal is heaven! Like St. Paul, we must press ahead towards the ultimate “prize” (Phil 3:14) and never cease to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.” (Col 3:1)

MJM: Like so many others, Father, I find myself deeply moved by your powerful witness not only to the Faith itself but also to the Catholic priesthood, which, as you know so well, is under diabolical attack. Thank you for this example of what it means to be a Catholic in an era of persecution. May all of us have the courage to follow your lead through the rough seas still ahead.

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13th of October – The Day the Sun Fell

It is also the date of the martyrdom of the Prince of the Apostles, our first pontiff, who was killed  under Nero  in the year 64 A.D.

Thinking of this,  my thoughts turned to the account of a vision I read some years ago by a mystic  – I believe Blessed Catherine Emmerich  –  in which she saw St. Peter after his betrayal of our Lord.  She saw him kneeling at the feet of Our Lady, a profusion of tears streaming down his cheeks.  Our Lady took great compassion on him and forgave with all her heart.

St. Peter truly loved our Lord.  It was only fear that drove him to denial, and likewise, I believe it will be with the “Fatima Pope” as seen in the prophetic vision of Blessed Jacinta. It was a vision in which she saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and weeping.    (Excerpt from the book Fatima in Twilight here)

Our Lady of Fatima foretold  Peter’s repentance when she said told the seers to pray very much for the Holy Father, that he would finally do it, i.e. consecrate Russia in the manner in which Heaven has asked:  “In the end, … the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

Until that day comes, we continue to suffer under the diabolical disorientation about which Sr. Lucia would speak and write, as for example in this letter of Sept. 16, 1970:

“…It is necessary that His members be one with Him through their physical suffering and moral anguish.  Poor Lord, He has saved us with such great love and yet He is so little understood!  So little loved! so badly served!  It is heartbreaking to see such great disorientation, particularly among so many of those who hold positions of responsibility!…

“We must identify ourselves with Him, so that He may be in us the Light of a world plunged into the darkness of error, immorality and pride…It is because the devil has succeeded in infilitrating evil under the cover of good and the blind set themselves up as guides for others, as Our Lord says in His Gospel, and souls let themselves be taken in.

“I gladly sacrifice myself and offer my life to God for the peace of His Church, for priests and for all consecrated souls, especially for those who are so deceived and misled!”

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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My Friend, Though Dead, Still Speaks.

The friend to whom I refer is Guido Del Rose, the friend for whom Our Lady came on November 22, of 2004 after a long life in Her service. He was affiliated with the Blue Army for many years until that organization started to make the claim that Russia had, indeed, been properly consecrated and that she was on the way to conversion.  Being the Fatima scholar that he was,  they couldn’t “pull the wool” over his eyes.  He knew that it hadn’t been.  So, privately, he continued to diffuse the Fatima message to groups here and there throughout the country.    I remember well his insistence on the need for reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to save souls, to avoid God’s imminent chastisements (which he would say, we could mitigate but no longer avoid) and to console our Lady.

I hope that he will intercede with the Love of his  life who was none other than Our Lady, to render fruitful my small efforts to instill in others an effective love towards the Immaculate Heart of our Lady into whose hands has been entrusted the peace of this world.  I would like to encourage, nay, insist, on the necessity, the urgency of the First Five Saturdays Devotion.

Once, Sr. Lucia sorrowfully complained that neither the good nor the bad listened to our Lady.  In her apparitions, she always seemed sad.  How could it be otherwise, when our heavenly Father and Creator has made certain requests of his Church, and still to this day they have not been heeded?  Our Lady knew they wouldn’t.  We suffer the dire sequences of a world in turmoil with the plagues of so many evils engulfing us and enchaining us in diabolical tyranny with sufferings of all kinds to both body and soul, inundating as it were, the entire world in sewers of filthy impurities . The Church herself is like a light that has gone dim,   impotent and helpless against the attacks of Satan unleashed upon her.   Satan  has struck for the Head, and the sheep have been scattered.

Our Lady offered us the prevention, – and the remedy – but who listens?  With regard to the consecration of Russia in union with the world’s bishops, the simple faithful can do very little. But we need not wait for Rome to officially promulgate the First Five Saturdays Devotion, a devotion the necessity of which comes across with insistence in the message of Fatima.  It is a remedy within our means to effect  a cure for the ills in the Church and consequently, in the world!  Will you listen to your Mother?

Our Lady:

“So numerous are the souls which the justice of God condemns for sins committed against Me that I come to ask for reparation…”

“You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go.  To save them God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart…I shall come to ask for the Communion of Reparation on the first Saturdays of the month.”

Canon Formigao:

“…Our Lord is profoundly displeased with the offenses made against His Most Holy Mother, and He can no longer tolerate them.  Because of these sins, because of these outrages and blasphemies, which cause so much suffering to the most loving Heart of the Son, many souls have fallen into hell and many others are in danger of being lost.  Our Lord promises to save them to the degree this devotion is practiced, with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of our Most Holy Mother…

“Father Mateo came to intensify the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, now Lucy comes to intensify the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is its necessary complement.    Thus by these two devotions of reparation, the offenses against the Son and the Mother are atoned for, as is absolutely just.”

Blessed Jacinta:

“It will not be long now before I go to Heaven.  You will remain here to make it known that God wishes to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary…”

Sr. Lucia:

 “It seems to me that the good Lord…insists that I ask the Holy Father to approve the devotion of reparation which God Himself and the Most Holy Virgin deigned to request in 1925…They wish to give the grace of pardon to souls who have had the misfortune of offending the Immaculate Heart of Mary..”

“Whether the world has war or peace depends on the practice of this devotion, along with the consecration [of Russia in union with the world’s bishops] to the Immaculate Heart of Mary…”

“The good Lord, in His infinite mercy complains that He is no longer able to bear the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Virgin.  He says that because of this sin a great number of souls fall into hell..”

The beautiful thing about this devotion is that the requirements pose no obstacles or hardships to souls willing to embrace it.  When Sr. Lucia asked our Lord if the obligations could be fulfilled on a Sunday, He replied that the devotion would be acceptable if done on the first Sunday following the first Saturday “when for just motives, My priests will allow it.”

Let us embrace this devotion willed by God for our times.  Our Lord asks so little, and certainly, with the assistance of his grace, everyone of us is capable of making reparation and helping to save souls in the manner in which He wants.   If we ask for the grace of devotion to the Immaculate Heart, He will certainly not refuse.  Ask it of Him now.

Guido, pray for us.  Don’t forget the little group in Kankakee who learned so much from you, and in whom you also instilled a love for the Tridentine Mass.

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Our Lady Didn’t Say That.

The faithful who pray the rosary and say the Fatima prayer  “Oh, my Jesus…”  are divided into two camps: those who pray the Fatima prayer correctly and those who don’t.  The latter group must consist of 99.999999….% of  the total.   So I am here to correct  most of you. 🙂

When our Lady taught that prayer to the children  she didn’t say “..of thy mercy.”  Who knows how that addition came to be, but the fact is that it is not found in the original prayer.  The prayer presents an enigma because only God know who the souls most in need of our prayers are.  When Lucia first revealed this prayer, there were those who believed that Our Lady was referring to the poor souls in purgatory, but  no serious Fatima scholar attributes that intention to the prayer.

In saying “…most in need of they mercy”, one tends to think of great sinners who are in need of conversion.  At least I do. That prayer has always intrigued me because I do like to know for whom I pray.  That’s just the human side of me.  So I have pondered and wondered.  In my mind, one possibility would be those meek souls who are like vulnerable lambs bewildered and straying – in danger of perdition in these times of diabolical disorientation because of the lack of a vigilant shepherd.

The maternal Heart of our loving Mother would most certainly be filled with solicitude for the least, the most vulnerable.  I like to think that it is for these that I pray, ” O Jesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, libera nos ab igne inferni, conduc in caelum omnes animas praesertim illas quae maxima indigent.” Period.

FATIMA The Astonishing Truth, by Frere Francois de Marie des Anges

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Beautiful Women Wear Veils.

Beautiful Women Wear Veils.

A friend has alerted me to a chapel veil campaign; ladies should cover their heads at Mass.  If you can’t understand why, please read the information on the blog Catholic Knight.  You might want to take part in the poll.  Here is an excerpt I copied from the site:

“Yes, Christian women are supposed to veil during worship, and this is especially true for Catholic women who understand the incarnation of Christ and His real presence in the Blessed Sacrament. According to the Bible, this is not optional. All Christian women are expected to do it, but it is to be done voluntarily, without force or coercion. The custom was removed from the Canon Law of the Catholic Church, but it was never abrogated as a Biblical custom of the Faith. To veil properly, women must do so voluntarily, and they must do so with proper understanding of the custom and what it means…

To which I add the following from Dr. Alice Von Hildrebrand:

The future princess of Monaco, Charlene Wittstock who assisted at Holy Mass wearing the traditional black veil.

Another beautiful lady properly and modestly attired for Holy Mass

“… feminists after Vatican II suddenly ‘discovered’ that when women go to Church veiled, it is a sign of their inferiority…My goodness, how they have lost the sense of the supernatural. Veiling indicates sacredness and it is a special privilege of the woman that she enters church veiled.”

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French Pastries and Nuns

Recently, I ran across a French nun in full  traditional habit who was selling baked goods at the local farmer’s market. The pastries she was selling were absolutely delicious – but do be aware that the community she is with, is not part of the Roman Catholic church.

Their founder is someone named “bishop” Jean Marie Roger Kozik who claims that the Blessed Mother asked him for this new religious foundation, the Fraternite Notre Dame. I found an article on the internet that accuses him of having been jailed for fraud. More than likely, the Sisters are totally innocent and are being used. They must work like slaves to turn out so many baked goods in such variety. I understand that they sell at many farmer’s markets besides at their main outlet called St. Roger Abbey, which by the way, is not a monastic house at all.

I deduce that his foundation is merely just one more denomination, but this one cleverly mimicking the Roman Catholic Church founded by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Anyone interested may look further into this. I just want to throw out a caution. I am praying very much for that sweet, young nun. I believe it was to such that our Lady was referring when She asked that we pray for those most in need.

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Thank you, St. Joseph!

Well, it’s over.  We returned home from the October devotions and TLM last night fully exhausted.

(The batteries in my camera died after only a few snapshots, so all you’ll get are these.)

It’s been said that the TLM is the most beautiful  thing this side of heaven, and that is certainly no exaggeration – and I might add, especially so when it’s done by the Institute. Thank you, Rev. Canon Ueda, our dear friend, Abbé Georg, Paul and the schola, (When someone mentioned to the pastor that he himself could start celebrating the TLM, he replied: “But I wouldn’t have singing like that!) And oh, yes, how could I forget!  One of the ladies mentioned that the young organist had done a great job.  That was my son!

The word I heard mentioned to describe what some people experienced for the very first time, or for the first time since the NO,  was “awesome!”   And it was.

After the Mass, we met in the church hall for an abundance of good food and delightful company. It is at such gatherings that we enter into the most interesting and edifying conversations.  I sat at a table of six where three of the men present mentioned that they were converts, all three of them former Lutherans.

The wife of one of the men told us that her husband had never entertained the idea of  becoming Catholic because he could see no difference between his Protestant service and the N.O.   Then she heard about a TLM being celebrated about an hours drive away, and   they both started attending.  Not long after, he asked to be received into the Church.

I can’t conclude without mentioning Justin.  I think he was in high heaven when I told him that I had brought his favorite food – lengua tacos with all the fixings, including the hot pepper sauces!

Towards the end, Rose said:  “It’s always so hard leaving.”

But, we’ll do it again, guys!


This just in.  A friend sent me more photos.  Here is one of the high altar.  Would you believe the church is only about 6 years old?  Yeah! And they put in a high altar!

And here is one of Canon Ueda and the servers:

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