Bishop Paprocki: “Give way to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church…”

Bishop Thomas John Paprocki via Facebook

How many of you have read this news article about Bishop Paprocki offering prayers of exorcism in wake of the recent legalization of ‘same-sex marriage’ in Illinois?  When I first heard his announcement that he would be doing this, I decided to join him in spirit – and I did.  This past Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m.,  I took a few moments to add my prayers to his, and to all of those who attended.  May God hear us and send His Divine assistance!

This from the article linked above.:

“In front of 500 followers, Paprocki asked God to “deliver us from evil” caused by same sex marriage.

“I exorcise you, every unclean spirit, every power of darkness, every incursion of the infernal enemy, every diabolical legion, cohort, and faction, in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “Be uprooted and put to flight from the Church of God from souls created in the image of God and redeemed by the precious blood of the divine lamb.

“Dare no more, oh cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, to persecute the church of God, to shake the chosen of God and sift them like wheat.”

“Be gone Satan, father of lies, enemy of human salvation,” Paprocki said at the conclusion of the exorcism. “Give way to Christ, in whom you found no trace of your works. Give way to the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church, which Christ himself won by his blood.”

Please keep Bishop Paprocki in your prayers!   When was the last time you heard a bishop speak like that?

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Where Do You Stand?

Today, a group of Catholics made reparation by praying the rosary, while at the same time trying to stop a Judeo-Christian service at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Venenzuela. The event was being held to commemorate the anniversary of the “Night of Broken Glass”, considered  to be the beginning of the Jewish Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis .

Things got a little heated and some of those attending began to insult the SSPX group. The priest Fernando Giannetti asked  that in the name of the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Mario Poli, the group leave.  He asked that they “not get involved in this act of provocation [against God ???].”

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The Last Pope of Our Era, Petrus Romanus

Petrus Romanus is returning!  It can not be long before we see the fulfilment of the prophecies of Fatima.   Our beloved first martyred Pope, Peter, is coming back!

“To mark the end of the Year of Faith, the bones found by Professor Guarducci during excavation work under the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica are to be exhibited for the first time on 24 November”

Link: ANDREA TORNIELLI vatican city

On 24 November, the Year of Faith will culminate with “the exposition for the first time of the relics traditionally recognized as those of the apostle who gave his life for the Lord here,” said Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation. The event is a first and recognises these relics as those of the Apostle Peter, the fisherman from Capernaum who according to tradition was martyred in Rome in the year 67.

 It was Pope Paul VI who announced that the bones of St. Peter had been found. The announcement was made during a General Audience on 26 June 1968: “New investigations, most patient and accurate, were subsequently carried out with the results that we, comforted by the judgment of qualified, prudent and competent people, believe are positive. The relics of Saint Peter have been identified in a way we believe convincing.” Excavation work under St. Peter’s Basilica began in 1939 and was personally funded by Pius XII. No one had dared descend beneath the basilica to see what was there. St. Peter’s was built above Constantine’s basilica.

During the Holy Year proclaimed in 1950, Pope Pius XII announced that the Apostle’s tomb had been found. It seemed to prove what Gaius, a Roman priest had said during Pope Zephirinus’ pontificate (199-217). In a letter to Montanist Proclus, he wrote: If you want to set out for the Vatican or along the Ostian Way you will find the trophies [meaning the tombs Ed.] of the hose [sic] who founded this Church.” The Church of Saints Peter and Paul that is.

The research carried out by Archaeologist Margherita Guarducci led to the discovery of a chapel supported by a wall – covered in precious graffiti which Guarducci managed to decode – that dates back to the year 150. The writing contained invocations to Peter and references to Christ and Mary. One of the messages which dates back to 160, is written in Greek and reads: “Petros eni”, “Peter is within”.

Professor Guarducci found the bones – which had been collected from a burial recess near where the graffiti was discovered – inside a box inside the Vatican Grottoes. The bones were analysed and it turned out they all came from one man with a robust build, who died at an advanced age. They were encrusted with earth and wrapped inside a piece of purple woollen cloth with golden thread – a particularly opulent burial. Fragments of all bones were found except those of the feet.

St. Peter’s tomb was initially very simple. He was crucified for being ungodly and his burial was presumably anonymous. He is buried inside a Roman necropolis which Constantine had interred. It was dug up 16 centuries later, when Pius XII ordered excavation work to begin. It is possible to visit of the necropolis as part of a fascinating tour that culminates in the very spot where Peter’s bones are kept today in plexiglass boxes. Visitors should book well in advance, by sending an email to, by sending a fax to +39 06 69873017. Alternatively you can book directly by visiting the Vatican Excavations office to the left of Bernini’s colonnade.

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The “CAGE MATCH” of debates: Voris vs. Shea

You watch.  You decide who the winner was.  (This is just episode #1; I have yet to watch the next episode.)

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Prayer Petitions Requested by Bishop Conlon

Bishop Conlon has sent a letter to those of us living in the Joliet diocese  asking for prayer intentions.  Kindly return you petitions making sure to include requests for his prayers for the restoration of the Tridentine Mass to the Kankakee area.  I know many of you want this, so why not take the opportunity to have his prayers offered for this intention?

Don’t procrastinate.  Do it now.  I realize most of us are relatively comfortable traveling outside the diocese, but do it for those who cannot travel, especially for the elderly.  It would be a most simple act of charity that would be of immense help to many.

God reward you for taking the time.  Remember that our diocese has just been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is not going to act entirely on her own; she expects our cooperation with grace.

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“Proselytism is a Grand Stupidity; It Makes no Sense.”

“El proselitismo es una gran estupidez, no tiene sentido” is how it reads in Spanish. The translation is “Proselytism is a grand stupidity; it makes no sense.”  That is a quote from the pope’s latest interview as published today, October 1, 2013 in the Italian La Repubblica.  In this youtube J. Vennari reads it as ““Proselytism is solemn nonsense.” but I think the Spanish makes a greater and more stunning impact. This is a must watch!

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That Interview of the Pope

Thanks to Miles Dei who called my attention to that fact that the unsettling interview of the Holy Father to Civiltà Cattolica is really worse than first thought.

Recall that part which many of us found quite disturbing (This English translation is copied from the Rorate Caeli blog): ““We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible. I have not spoken much about these things, and I was reprimanded for that. But when we speak about these issues, we have to talk about them in a context. The teaching of the church, for that matter, is clear and I am a son of the church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.

It turns out that according to the original Italian text Pope Francis did not say “The teaching of the church”.  Looking up the complete original Italian text at Avvenire, one reads: «Non possiamo insistere solo sulle questioni legate ad aborto, matrimonio omosessuale e uso dei metodi contraccettivi. Questo non è possibile. Io non ho parlato molto di queste cose, e questo mi è stato rimproverato. Ma quando se ne parla, bisogna parlarne in un contesto. Il parere della Chiesa, del resto, lo si conosce, e io sono figlio della Chiesa, ma non è necessario parlarne in continuazione».

That phrase, Il parere della Chiesa” translates into “The opinion of the Church”.  What the Pope said, was that “we already know the opinion of the Church”! It is more than disturbing that the Pope expresses himself by referring to the Church’s moral doctrine as mere opinion.

This word, “opinion” did not go unnoticed by the secular media as for example, when CNN reported on September 19, that “Pope Francis said the church has the right to express its opinions but not to “interfere spiritually” in the lives of gays and lesbians, expanding on explosive comments he made in July about not judging homosexuals.”

So, how bad is the situation in which the Church finds herself at the moment under this papacy?

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“Stewards of the Tradition” ?

In the headlines this morning, we find that the USCCB has released its statement on the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, “Stewards of the Tradition”.  Here are a few excerpts from the article as found at

“…reformed liturgical rites after Vatican II…have proven to be such a grace for the Church.”

“the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy was the fruit of the evolution (sic) of the Church’s teaching on the Liturgy….the Constitution…should be understood as a ‘keystone’.”

“Translation of the liturgical texts into vernacular languages,…has been a monumental success.”

“We should continue to consider ways in which the Liturgy can be legitimately adapted to the various cultures.”

“The setting for the celebration of the Liturgy should be beautiful.  While notions of what is “beautiful” can be subjective and culturally laughing facerooted…”

“The development of a repertory of vernacular music for the Liturgy over the past fifty years is a gift for which we are grateful and which we continue to promote.”

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Catholic Identity Conference ’13 Report

Persevere in the Doctrine of the Apostles!

Dr. Rao’s opening speech, whether intentional or not, set the theme for the conference.  Rao stated that he believes a Catholic resurgence is imminent. Thereafter, several speakers, including Fr. Pendergraft, FSSP, made mention of this coming resurgence which will of necessity involve a clarification and a renewed sense of reality as opposed to the ambiguity and obfuscation in the teaching of present-day theology.

This period of clarification, Rao said, might be either “friendly” or “inimical”.   Other speakers made mention of being prepared for martyrdom should the “clarification” be inimical.  A period of bloody persecution would certainly clarify who pertains to the Kingdom of God as opposed to the Kingdom of Satan.

Christ Ferrara spoke of an “attack on reality”.  His presentation highlighted the basic Thomistic principles of clear thinking and reasoning.  We all got a good laugh when he referred to contradictory, subjective relativism as the “Whatever Dude Principle.”

I especially appreciated John Vennari’s presentation.  He made many references to the teaching of Msgr. Clifford Fenton whom he described as a prophet for our age.   Msgr. Fenton taught clearly the necessity of the Catholic Church for the salvation of one’s soul; of the translation of the soul by means of the sacrament of Baptism from the Kingdom of Satan into the supernatural Kingdom of God; that individuals belong to one or the other since only those two kingdoms exist; that the Catholic Church is the New Israel of God.

Michael Voris spoke on “Homosexuality in the Catholic Church”, and WOWEE!! We got an earful of factual information.  I didn’t take any notes on this because I felt so repulsed.  Anyway, I didn’t need convincing.  But this presentation was a sober reminder of the Satanic filth which has besmeared the Roman collar.  He mentioned Chicago as being one of the worst for perversity amongst the clergy, and that Bernadine was responsible for this state of affairs in that city.  Have you ever wondered why you don’t get clear teaching from the pulpit regarding the Church’s moral teachings on homosexuality?

James Vogel’s talk served to impress upon the audience the double standard by which churchmen deal with the SSPX.

The conference ended on a lighter note with suggestions for keeping our children Catholic……..and with a few jokes! It goes to show, that Catholics preaching and living the Church’s faith are a joyful, happy bunch!  One meets the finest people at these gatherings: people such as Ted and Audrey; Steven and Allison; Jerry and Cecilia and the Talarico’s –  parents and sister of Canon M. Talarico, ICK!

CIC_13 Vogel_Rao

James Vogel, Dr. John Rao


Michael Voris

CIC_13 Fr. G Pendergraft

Fr. G. Pendergraft, FssP

On a final note, let me share the thought that ran through my mind on the last day when Father celebrated Mass for us.  I remembered those first conferences in the years before SP when traditionalists would have Mass in the conference halls, and that the server – if any – was invariably, an elderly man.  Not anymore!   For this conference, two churches were made available to us, and for Sunday’s Mass, there were about  a dozen young men who comprised the schola and the servers, including Master of ceremonies. The schola was superb! An added bonus were the Knights of Columbus who provided the honor guard.  It was absolutely beautiful!

Placet_KankakeeTLMThat is the way in which God deserves to be worshiped!

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So Which is It?

“Pope says Church cannot be obsessed with gays, contraception, abortion”

So read the latest headlines of the secular news.

“Pope Francis said the Catholic Church should not allow its bans on gay marriage, abortion and contraception to dominate its teachings, but must be a more welcoming Church where priests are understanding pastors and not cold, dogmatic bureaucrats…..”otherwise even the moral edifice of the Church is likely to fall like a house of cards…”

Hey didn’t he say a few days ago that the Church is at it’s strongest?

I have not been posting on what this pope has been quoted as saying because, quite frankly, he is an embarrassment to me.  But it is getting to be too much.  Someone should advise him to keep quite in his personal opinions, since all we need is the Church’s dogma – not personal opinions.  He is worse then his predecessors.

Here is the story from Reuters:


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