Blessed Pio Nono – Pope of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“What I fear for you is not those poor wretches from the Commune of Paris, veritable demons escaped from hell who walk upon the earth.  What I fear is these wretched politics, this Catholic liberalism which is the true plague…I refer to that fatal system, which is always dreaming of accommodating two irreconcilable things, the Church and the Revolution.  I have already condemned this, but I would condemn it again forty times if necessary.”  (Allocution to the French people, 1871)

Blessed Pio Nono,  1792 – 1878

This predilect spiritual son of the Blessed Virgin, a vicar of Christ, was born on a May 13, a significant date relevant to the apocalyptic apparitions of our Lady of Fatima which were to commence on May 13, 1917.

Special graces granted to this holy pontiff included being miraculously cured of epilepsy at the age of 26; proclaiming the dogma of the Immaculate Conception; issuing the Syllabus of Errors on December 8, 1864,  convening the dogmatic council of Vatican I in  1868.

Regarding the Syllabus, this holy pope wrote“The world is lost in darkness; I published the Syllabus so that it should serve as a beacon and put it back on the road of truth.”  The text formulates the errors of liberal Catholics  and then condemns those errors in clear, precise language easily understood by all.  He wrote:  “Therefore, by Our Apostolic authority, We reprobate, We proscribe, We condemn, and We wish and ordain that all the children of the Catholic Church should hold as reprobated, proscribed and condemned, each and every one of the evil opinions and doctrines severally described in this Letter.”

Now, consider what was reported in a Jan. 1999 CRC newsletter:

 “After the Council [VII], theologians thought that it was incumbent to devise arguments ‘proving’ that there is no essential contradiction between what the Church taught under Pius IX and what is being taught now.  They felt it necessary for the sake of the Church’s continuity… [Yet]

 “In 1977, the Abbe de Nantes confronted one of the Council’s leading theologians, the late Father Yves Congar, OP, to become Cardinal Congar in his latter years, at a conference organized at Annecy on the 8th February of that year.  In the course of a debate, the Abbe put it to Father Congar:  ‘ Materially, you say, the declaration on religious liberty [of VII] goes against the prescripts of the Syllabus.’  To which Fr. Congar answered with a vexed look: ‘Yes…’

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