“Angelic militia, celestial squadrons, …..”

Doesn’t this beat, On Eagles Wings?  I love Mexican Baroque.  This is one of my favorites.

Info (slightly edited) as posted on Youtube:

“Angélicas Milicias” composed by Mexico’s greatest baroque composer… Manuel de Sumaya (1680-1755); a mexican priest and composer, from Mexico City; he was Kappelmeister of Mexico City Cathedral (1715-1738).

Sumaya, was contemporary of Händel (1685-1759) and Bach (1685-1750)

His music has been compared with the greatest Baroque European music, his compositions are sublime, and universal.

“Angelicas milicias, celestiales escuadras, que del monarca del imperio sacro guardáis el divino soberano alcázar: a las armas!, que la más hermosa y pura, reina triunfante a la altura, sube a coronarse grata. Y así cala cuerda, y el eco sonoro de clarín y caja, aplaude sus glorias, con dulces estruendos de bélicas salvas.”

1st and 2nd Verses:

Hoy que la divina Reina, de las jerarquías altas, sube a poseer la corona del imperio de la gracia.

Hoy que por madre y señora, el siempre eterno monarca, del celestial sacro trono, gloriosamente la aclama.


“Angelic militia, celestial squadrons,  from the Monarch of the Empire who protect the divine sovereign palace of the Holy Empire:  Present arms!, for the most beautiful and pure, triumphant Queen, goes up, to be gratefully crowned. And for this, pulse the strings and the resounding of trumpet and timpani, applauds her glories, with sweet roars of gun salutes.”

1st and 2nd verse translation:

Today that the heavenly Queen of the high hierarchies, rises to have the crown of the empire of grace.

Today, because of being mother and Lady, the always eternal King, of the sacred celestial throne, gloriously acclaims her.

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2 Responses to “Angelic militia, celestial squadrons, …..”

  1. ihmprayforme says:

    There must be a treasure of ecclesiastical music hidden away in the old cathedrals of Mexico. Someone really should make them available to the public. Now there is a suggestion for the FSSP apostolate in Guadalajara!!

  2. OrganVirtuoso says:

    This is one of my favorite pieces of music and I really wish that I could find an organ transcription somewhere.

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