“By secret and mysterious ways, God so controls the minds and the actions of men that, whilst following the free determinations of their will, they accomplish His great designs.” -Abp. Francis Patrick Kenrick
“In the end, [they will accomplish God’s designs] my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

This painting was done according to the instructions of St. John Bosco. St. Joseph is dropping roses over the Vatican which is seen against a backdrop of dark, ominous clouds. Two angels carry a banner which reads: “Ite ad Joseph”.
One of St. John Bosco’s prophetic dreams relates an event in which a Pope(s) leads the faithful away from Rome. It is a lengthy account, so I will only present the part which is most apropos for us today on this great Feast of St. Joseph. I will include a few opinions which are merely mine, but which I consider make a great deal of sense.
“It was during a dark night; people could no longer tell the path to take to their homes.”
It does not seem far-fetched to imagine that this probably refers to the “diabolical disorientation” to which Sr. Lucia referred. How many times in her writings did she not express her deep concerns about the dangers to our faith in “a world plunged in the darkness of error, immorality and pride”, and for “the souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders”?
“When there appeared in the sky a splendid light that lit the footsteps of the travelers as though it were high noon.”
For these times of apostasy, God in His mercy sent us the “Light of the Saints”, Lucia dos Santos. Quite literally, the long-remaining Fatima seer’s name means “light of the saints”! But foremost, the messages, warnings, and promises of Our Lady of Fatima are, indeed, a light unto our path.
She is that splendid light who appeared in the heavens to dispel the darkness of error. When our Lady would appear, her visits were preceded by a flash of light, and she herself was always radiant with the splendor of the Light which is God. In her final apparition of October 13, she did appear at high noon, and it seems that the falling sun was to warn us of approaching spiritual darkness: “And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that the sun shall go down at midday.” – Amos 8:9
“Then were to be seen a crowd of men, women, children, old men, monks, nuns and priest, and at their head the Sovereign Pontiff, leaving the Vatican and forming in procession.”
The faithful are actually following the lead of a pope away from the Apostolic Seat of Peter!
“Now, however, there is a violent storm, overshadowing the light, and seemingly fighting against it.”
This is the war waged against the light given for our times; a war of lies, misrepresentations, deceptions, distortions, calumniations, and diabolical apings which rage against our Lady of Fatima’s message and its messengers. Even to this day, we still do not know the words our Lady spoke when she gave the children the vision of the 3rd secret. Our own hierarchy has kept them hidden from us, with the reason being, according to Fr. Alonso, that an “untimely” revelation of the text “would have only exasperated further the two trends which continue to tear the Church; a traditionalism which would be thought to be helped by the prophecies of Fatima and a progressivism which would have howled against these apparitions which, in such a scandalous manner, would have seemed to put the brakes on the march forward of the conciliar Church.”
“However, they arrived at a small square that was strewn with dead and wounded; several of them shouted for help. The ranks of the procession thinned out considerably.”
The post-conciliar ”procession” has resulted in a catastrophic apostasy. Subsequently, there has been a drastic decline in the Church’s institutions. If you need convincing, get a copy of Jone’s Index of Leading Catholic Indicators: The Church since Vatican II. Also see mycatholic source. com
“Having walked for a period of corresponding to two hundred sunrises, they all noticed that they were not longer in Rome. Fear seized hold of their minds and each one pressed round the Pope in order to protect his person and to help him in his troubles.”
I think this latter sentence most aptly refers to those who adhere to a form of papolotry; those who would rather be wrong with the Pope than right with traditional Catholics. They, unfortunately, have allowed themselves be led away “from Rome.”
Here is the part I love and which I long to see fulfilled:
“At that moment, two angels could be seen presenting the Pope with a standard and saying to him: ‘Receive this red banner from Him who fights and scatters the most powerful armies of the earth. (Today, I think of St. Joseph, “Terror of Demons” at whose name, the devils flee! So, beginning today, and with much love, say his name a thousand times over!) The enemies have fled and your sons are imploring you with sighs and tears to return.’”
“Raising one’s eyes to the standard, one could read written on one side: Regina sine Labe Concepta, and on the other side: Auxilium Christianorum.”
“The Pontiff took the standard with joy, but seeing the small numbers of those who had stayed with him, he became sad.”
The number who have maintained the faith – in spite of following the Pope – is small.
“Having heard that, the Pope began to move forward, and the ranks of those in the procession swelled.”
“When he entered the holy City, he began to weep over the desolation of its inhabitants, many of whom were no more. Then entering Saint Peter’s, he intoned the “Te Deum”, which was taken up by a choir of angels singing “Gloria in excelsis…”
“The singing ended, the darkness completely vanished and the brilliant sun began to shine. The towns, villages and countryside saw their populations much diminished. The earth seemed to preserve the trace of a storm and of a rainfall or of hail stones, and people were going up to one another and saying: “Yes, truly, there is a God in Israel.”
Praised be Jesus Christ who has set the Great St. Joseph as lord over His House!
St. Joseph, terror of demons, put to flight the enemies of Holy Mother Church that we may soon see the triumphant victory of our Lady, and the promised reign of peace!
Have a blessed feast day!