April: Check out their webpage by clicking on the company name for photos of the completed job. Another contract with the school is presently being discussed.

One of commissioned pieces for the La Salette Academy
Update November 3, 2012: Altare Design is up and running, with work now in progress for the chapel of Notre Dame de La Salette Academy, the school of the SSPX.
..a new business venture by traditional-minded young Catholics, here in the Midwest, with the training and expertise to succeed in the re-emerging field of classical, Catholic church furniture design and execution, but on the smaller scale.
Why now?
A Catholic tradition is back on the rails
Reports from the US tell of a growing trend for the return of altar rails. Church architect Duncan Stroik, who specializes in classical designs and has over 20 completed projects in his portfolio, says more and more clients are making a point of specifying rails in their discussions with him.
Proponents say that the rails encourage kneeling and reverence in adoration and Communion, especially when the extraordinary Mass is celebrated. Others say that they clearly demarcate the sanctuary of the church, symbolizing the exact point where the heavenly meets the earthly.
Rails first started to disappear from churches after Vatican II, when there was a general move towards more democracy and inclusiveness. That seems to be a tide that is turning.
So, I present to readers, this little “elevator speech” by the young man delving into the business. I can assure you that he is more than qualified and is already a certified Master furniture maker with a decade of experience in the production of liturgical furnishings.
“The growing number of tradition-minded communities is resulting in a rapidly increasing demand for products and services for which there is no dedicated supply. For large scale renovations there are architects that can guide clients in this matter. However, an intensive search through the internet failed to bring up any companies that can offer expertise and guidance in traditional furnishings for those who wish to build or restore their sanctuaries on a smaller scale. Perhaps they wish to rebuild slowly or perhaps they only need the communion rail to complete their sanctuary. This is where we come in. We offer an understanding of orthodox Catholic theology, the role of the arts in promoting Catholic culture and also the expertise and experience of master craftsmen.”
Presently, he is seeking a name for the new business. In a subsequent post, I will provide the details of how you may enter the contest to propose a company name. The selected winner will receive one of his finely-made keepsake boxes, a picture of which I will also be posting.