Ist Posting – Traditional Understanding of the Priesthood of the Laity

  The Priesthood of the Laity

The perennial teaching on the exercise of the priesthood of the laity, by Abbé Astruc,  “Irish Messenger“ series:

Every Christian has received a true participation in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ; as a member of the Mystical Body of Christ he belongs, as St. Peter affirms, “to a chosen race, a Kingly Priesthood” (I Peter ii 9).  St. Ambrose repeated it also to the Faithful of Milan:  “All the children of the Church are Priests.  In Baptism they receive the anointing which makes them sharers in the Priesthood.  The victim that they offer unto God is wholly spiritual; it is THEMSELVES [my emphasis].  Therefore, devout souls, you may be glad.  Though you have not received the Sacrament of Holy Orders, you are spiritually associated to the Priesthood.   You are not really a Priest; nevertheless, because you are Christian, you have a priest-like soul.  Our Lord has kept in reserve for you a part or share in His Divine Priesthood.  But how are you to put this part into action?

It is clearly evident that you cannot say a real Mass, but you can say a spiritual, mystical Mass, bearing some analogy with that which is celebrated at the Holy Altar;  one Mass alone, which commencing with your life, is carried on through all your life.  This Mass of yours: the one that you can say, is in some sort of way a reproduction of the one said by the priest. Consequently, we should find the three essential acts that go to make up a real Mass:  the Offertory, the Consecration, and the Communion.

The Offertory

The Priest, to say Mass, needs a Victim.  In order to say your Mystical Mass you, too, will need a victim.  But where are you to find one?   [Ahhh…you needn’t look very far.]  St. Augustine tells you:  “Seek not outside yourself for the victim that you need; this victim you will find within you.”  And St. Paul makes it known in greater fullness by the words:  “I beseech you that you present your bodies a living Sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God” (Rom. xii 1).

[Place yourself at the foot of the cross. ] You understand now that the victim of your sacrifice of your Mass, is your very self [united to Christ]; it is you, with all that you are, all that you have, all that you do.  And so you have your Mass host; but it should be one bearing some resemblance to that of the Priest. The host used by the Priest is made of the finest flour, moreover,  it is… unleavened.

You too, must be a host…without leaven.  The leaven that I speak of stands for all that is not pure, all that is evil, all that is not according to the Christian spirit.  And every trace of this bad leaven you must purge out of you.  Turn your gaze inwards, and seek in your mind, in you will, in your heart, in your intention, for all that is too earthly, too worldly; all that is not absolutely worthy of a good and true Christian, and then pluck it out, destroy it; each day strive to become more supernatural, more pure, more holy, and then your victim, your own host, will hold some little likeness to the Sacred Host of the Priest.

Taking his host into his hands, the Priest offers it up to God.  You, too, have to make an offering of your host; the host that is yourself.  Take then your whole being, and holding nothing in reserve, [not even your past] offer yourself to God.  Take your body with all its senses, your soul with all its powers, your mind with all its thoughts, your will with all its movements, your heart with all its affections;  take your daily life, with your labors, your suffering, your struggles, your efforts, your prayers, your good works, and say to God:  “Lord, all that is yours; I offer it all to you.”

Make this offering of yourself wholly, generously, joyously.  Do not do as Cain, who offered to the Lord only that which was less good, but offer to God your very best, the best of your souls, the best of your heart, the best of your life.  Neither must you act like Ananias and Saphira, who sought to keep back for themselves a portion of their goods, but offer God your holocaust, whole and entire;  offer Him in very deed all that you are, all that you have, all that you do;  make no reserve, keep nothing back, either for yourself or for others.

To be continued…

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Press release re: 3rd Secret of Fatima

"If you do what I say, ..."

Press Release POSTED: 8/16/11

The Remnant             


( The latest edition of Inside the Vatican  contains a bombshell revelation by Editor-in-Chief Robert Moynihan regarding the continuing controversy over the completeness of the Vatican’s disclosure of the Third Secret, which has been “managed” by the Vatican Secretary of State, Tarcisio Bertone, since 2000.

 In an article entitled “Passing of a Friend” (p. 4), Moynihan provides a tribute to Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who served as papal nuncio to the United States until his death in July. Moynihan relates “four memories in particular [he] has of [Archbishop Sambi],”  the second of which is as follows:

 We were discussing the Third Secret of Fatima, the allegations that the Vatican has not published the entire text of the Third Secret as revealed to Sister Lucia, and the response of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, in a book where Bertone states that there is nothing more to be revealed. Sambi said, “Excuse me.” He got up, went out of the room, and came back with a book. “Here,” he said. “Do you know this book? You should read it.” It was Christopher Ferrara’s The Secret Still Hidden

 “Wait,” I said. “You are the Pope’s representative in the US, and you are urging me to read a book that questions what the secretary of state wrote?” Sambi replied, “All I am saying is that there are interesting things worth reading in this book. And in the end, we are all after the truth, aren’t we? The truth is the important thing…”

 Reached for comment, author Ferrara told The Remnant: “I rejoice at the news that such a high-ranking Vatican official had the openness of mind to study the evidence which drove me to write the book in order to present the evidence systematically.  And I mightily resisted the conclusion that there is a missing companion text of the Secret, which would explain the otherwise ambiguous and endlessly debated vision of the ‘Bishop dressed in white’.  Who wants to be accused of being a ‘conspiracy nut’ by the comfortable defenders of the post-conciliar status quo? But, as Antonio Socci has put it regarding his own journey in this matter: ‘In the end I had to surrender’ to what the evidence shows. And what it shows, as Socci also concluded, is that “it is certain” that the missing text exists.  Socci and I, like the late Archbishop Sambi, are interested in the truth, not the avoidance of offense to certain prestigious personages.”

 Ferrara added: “And God bless Robert Moynihan for having the courage to publish this important revelation.  He had nothing to gain, humanly speaking, from doing this.  All praise to him!  This is but another crack in the dam of denial that has been weakening steadily over the past seven years, culminating in the Pope’s complete rejection in May of 2010 of the Secretary of State’s party line that the Third Secret ‘belongs to the past.’  No, said the Pope, it pertains to ‘future realities of the Church’—a clear indication that there is something more.  Then there was the Fatima conference in Rome this May, attended by Andrea Tornielli and Paolo Rodari as speakers, along with me and others, and Cardinal Renato Martino, the retired Vatican diplomat.  The whole landscape is changing, and we can hope this change is a prelude to the full revelation of the Secret, the Consecration of Russia, and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.”

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!Basta de guitarras¡

The following is my translation of an article posted on the Spanish blog,

Pro Misa Tradicional en Ciudad Real:

The daily newspaper La Republica recently published an interesting piece dedicated to “the music of God”.  In that context it presents an interview with Spanish Msgr. Pablo Colino, director of the choir of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Rome, former Master of the Julia Chapel, and Canon of the Basilica of St. Peter, which we translate as follows:

Maestro Colino,  why are sacred music and the liturgy in crisis?

Everything was rushed after the Vatican II Council, with that big, superficial wave of pseudo-renewal that has caused so much damage in almost all of our churches. It is enough to attend any liturgical celebration, to experience horrible guitars, deafening electronic keyboards, and perfunctory choirs. All led by poorly instructed directors.  Although there are encouraging exceptions, that we believe, could be well expected in the future.

Could you give an example?

Recently, in Terni, an interesting congress on sacred music took place, and for that occasion, many youthful choirs and many groups of artists specializing in liturgical music were present. It has been beautiful and interesting to listen to them. And also encouraging.

But is there a “prescription” for reviving sacred music?

We must return to a serious, rigorous and zealous study in the scholae cantorum, in the conservatories and, perhaps, the schools. Sacred music is a universal patrimony, among the highest and perennial forms of art.  And Italy is full of them, having given birth to the greatest composers of liturgical music.

And what should be the programs in these schools?

It is of fundamental importance to once more transmit the direct knowledge of Gregorian chant and, at the same time, to improve the training of the musicians, directors and choirs. There will be no headway without pedagogical rigor and the knowledge of Gregorian [chant], the mother of sacred music;  but I dare to say that of all the music, including contemporary.

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“Mine is the task the faithful heart to tell, How Mary rose triumphant to the skies.”

From a translation of the Life of the Virgin Mary, by Msgr. Gentilucci, 1856

“if the Apostles of the Gentiles, although he was endowed with the highest intelligence, the greatest eloquence, and, what is more, a divine inspiration, yet avowed that he could not state what, by a special privilege, he had witnessed with his own eyes, how shall we, weak beings that we are, dare to recount the welcome with which heaven greeted Mary, and the glory to which she was raised?  Where below shall we find similitude or imagery?  Yet we cannot pass over in silence the coronation and glory of her who was the holiest of all the daughters of Adam; we shall therefore describe her triumph as best we may.  The merciful heart of May will deign to accept our humble strain, for a mother ever loves to hear the voice of her child stammering forth her praises.

“…in some measure, to satisfy the reader’s pious curiosity, we shall endeavor to describe, or rather, as painters say, to make a rough sketch, of Mary’s glorious triumph.

“…Angels selected from the choirs of heaven stand before her in respect, forming three legions.  The most favored are to bear the precious burden on their wings, overlaid like a splendid buckler; others, surrounding her on every side, guard her, as did the threescore valiant ones of Israel the couch where Solomon reposed.  The last, divided into several choirs, make the air melodious with new canticles ….

“Borne by so fair and numerous an escort, Mary rises to the starry vault of heaven.  She beholds the silver moon bow with respect to her feet as she passed, and the great orb of day makes her a splendid halo with his rays.  The nearer she approaches, the more the abode of the saints is radiant with joy, and acclamations redouble…[o]ur Divine Redeemer, not satisfied with the convoy sent to meet his Mother, comes forth Himself with the rest of the angels and all the saints…

“ When the heavenly hosts behold their beloved Queen enter soul  and body, all heaven became one harmony, all in rivalry sang her glorious triumph.  The angels praise her, the archangels congratulate her, the virtues glorify her.  The principalities exult; the powers, dominations, thrones, leap for joy.  The seraphim exult her; the cherubim glorify her; the patriarchs admire her; the prophets untiringly contemplate her, the  Apostles and martyrs salute in her their mistress and their Queen.  David cannot withhold his joy on beholding such a fruit of his royal line.  Joachim and Anne seek first to press to their bosom their beloved daughter…the vault of heaven resounds with new canticles, with melody till then unheard in heaven…”

As a special treat for eye and ear – as well as soul – on this glorious feast day of the Assumption,  scroll down to locate ““Angélicas Milicias” and listen while you enjoy the beautiful painting above by the 17th century painter, Hererra.  Then in quiet  contemplation enjoy the following poem of Chiabrera:

Mine is the task the faithful heart to tell,

How Mary rose triumphant to the skies.

But who will aid my muse, my mind impel,

To unfold the Assumption’s glory to their eyes.

When from the tomb, which by a stern decree

Her radiant form received, recalled she rose

O’er angel choirs by God’s behest set free,

She mounts in glory, flinging as she goes,

From snowy robes, from azure mantle’s folds

A sea of purple rays and crimson blent with gold.

Around her virgin brow effulgent shone

A coronal entwined by heaven’s own hand,

Twelve stars her head adorn, not one outdone

In glory by the sun of morning land,

As rising, he prepares to run his way;

Or when what time he meets the lion’s sign,

O’er parched fields he pours his noontide ray;

Or when, where living clouds his calm decline,

Soothe with the splendors of unnumbered hues,

And evening tints a holy joy diffuse.

Where’er she treads the rich celestial plain,

The angel legions bow;  the banners lower;

The golden trumpet blows, while forth their strain,

The emerald harp and lyre melodious pour.

Her name beloved, resounds on every side;

And fills with music the celestial mount;

The blessed her triumph hymn in glorious tide –

The mountain cedar, she ; the sealed fount,

The chosen myrrh, its fragrance scattering wide,

The plane tree by the stream – the aurora in its pride.

Amid this concert pure, she soars aloft,

Borne up by power divine, and as she speeds,

The air has purer grown, the heavens more soft,

Each planet brighter, as his gaze he feeds

 On that all-dazzling form. – But whither bold,

Vain tongue wouldst thou presume?  Thy efforts close

The Queen whose hand the keys of mercy hold,

Her eyes of pity turns upon our woes;

And when we fall, when sin proclaims its sway,

She lifts us up, and wards the wrath away.

 –  Chiabrera  (June 18, 1552 – October 14, 1638)

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14th Annual Rosary Procession and TLM in the Planning

Please, start preparing for our 14th annual rosaries of reparation and petition on the first Saturday of October.   As before, we will process into the church where a Tridentine Mass will be offered in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother.

Make reparation to the sorrowful Heart of our Mother

We will need many altar boys, people to help with publicity and to bring flowers, food and refreshments.  Plans are being made to have a few singing practices to go over Marian hymns for the procession.   We can go over these particulars when we meet –  or e-mail, or call me.   This year promises to be the best with many new faces anticipating, and helping for this event.

We are ever grateful to the priests of the Institute of Christ the King who are always so kind to us,  one of  whom will be the celebrant for this October 1 Mass.

Further details will be posted when they are finalized with Father Pennock.  At this point we know the Mass will be at Immaculate Conception, Gilman.

A very public, and heartfelt “Thank you!” to Father!

More to come!

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Our Past and Future – Joliet Diocese FSSP

From the bulletin of the Latin Mass Community of the Joliet Diocese,   August 7, 2011:

In 2009 the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter made a 3 year agreement with the Diocese of Joliet for the formation of a Latin Mass Community.  This October will mark the conclusion of this “trial period”, so over the next few months, Bp. Conlon and the FSSP superiors will be discerning what direction the future of our community should take.  Please keep the bishop and the FSSP in your prayers at this crucial time, and thank you for your support

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Plea for our times

Arise,  O God, judge thy own cause.

Image of a 16th century shield of the Spanish Inquisition.  The duty of the Inquisition was to safeguard the deposit of the Faith entrusted to the Church by our Lord Himself.  The Latin inscription around the edge reads:
“Exurge, Domine, iudica causam tuam”,  from Psalm 74:22.

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The Vortex on Kneeling or Standing

One has to wonder  about those in authority who persecute and intimidate Catholics who choose to bend the knee in humble adoration of our God and our Redeemer.   If our Holy Father has not YET issued any mandates to revoke indults for receiving in the hand, and for standing to receive, he or another pope in the not-too-distant future surely will.   That the prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments is recommending kneeling and receiving on the tongue can only be construed as a preparation to the Catholic world for such a directive.  I believe the Holy Father would like to do this.  Whether he does or not is hard to tell.  But, believe me, God’s will shall be accomplished, and Catholics of the Western Roman rite will once more be instructed to  receive in the traditional kneeling posture, and on the tongue.

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“…why anyone would want to attend a Mass in which they wouldn’t be able to understand…”

The author of the following letter has given us permission to post it here.  We hope that this person’s experience might help to alleviate any fears some might have about attending the TLM in a language they cannot understand.

As we continue to work and pray for the full restoration of the TLM in our community, we make this plea, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Joseph:

 Et sit splendor Domini Dei nostri super nos,
et opera manuum nostrarum dirige super nos,
et opus manuum nostrarum dirige.


Dear Fr…….,

I am writing this letter to tell you that I attended the Latin Mass on…… and that I was truly blessed by the experience.  This was my first experience at a Latin Mass.  I will forever be grateful to…….. for giving me the date and time of this Mass.  I was one of those people who wondered why anyone would want to attend a Mass in which they wouldn’t be able to understand the language.  I discovered that I didn’t need to understand the language because it was all about the worship of God which transcends mere words.  It was by far the most reverent, most beautiful and possibly the closest experience I’ve had thus far to heaven.  I left knowing that I had to have more of this.  Even the reception of the Eucharist kneeling at the altar was so much more reverent and respectful…I just can’t say enough of how wonderful it all was.

I only hope that there will be many more opportunities for more people to discover the wonderful rituals of the Latin Mass here in Kankakee County.  I’ve shared my experience with many others since the Mass and know that they too are interested in attending the next one.

I’ve heard that there is usually a Latin Mass offered at…….. in May and October and that is wonderful, but if it is at all possible to have a Mass once a month or even better (dare I hope for this) once a week, I think you would eventually see an increase [my note: We have had from between 103 to over 130 faithful.] in attendance.   I think part of the problem is publicity.  People just don’t know about the existence of a Latin Mass in this area – I didn’t.  I thought Latin Masses were only said up north.

Anyway, I just had to express my appreciation for your allowance of the Traditional Latin Mass to be said in our area. Most priests would not be open to this and I feel very strongly that in doing so, they are denying a rich treasure of the Church to many who would otherwise have no opportunity to access this pearl of great price.  The Latin Mass is one way of helping to satisfy this insatiable thirst for God that many of us have.  When I left that Mass I felt for the first time in a long time, that I had truly worshiped God at Mass!! [emphasis by the author of this letter.]

I end this letter with sincerest appreciation for your efforts and may God continue to bless all your endeavors……


In Christ’s Peace,

[Name withheld]

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Credo – another exquisite Sumaya

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