Canon Jayr, I.C.R., Mexico City Pilgrimage

Derik Castillo has graciously sent me some photos of Father Jayr’s Mass at the ancient altar of the Kings at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City. This Mass was celebrated on Friday, at 10 a.m., April 4.

The priest standing to the left, is Fr. Ocampo, whom I met in ’07.  He was instrumental in making the necessary arrangements that facilitated the use of this altar.  At first, Canon Jayr was going to be given permission, but not for the high altar and certainly not for a morning Mass.  He would have had to wait until all the day’s Masses had been offered, and/or his Mass would have been celebrated at another altar – that of “las Animas”. (The actual pilgrimage brochure did not have him scheduled to celebrate at the Cathedral at all.)   It was  through Fr. Ocampo’s mediation  that Canon Jayr received  the privilege that so few priests have had. Certainly, this was a first for a canon of the Institute of Christ the King SS.  I wish I could have been there!

Thank you, Fr. Ocampo!

relic_arm Mexican Metropolitan Cathedral

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ICR News – Take a Look at That Magnificent Altar!

Photo: Les recordamos que el Reverendo Padre Benoit Jayr, del Instituto de Cristo Rey Sumo Sacerdote, junto con otras 16 personas, peregrinarán a la Ciudad de México, desde la parroquia de san Estanislao en Milwakee, Wisconsin. </p>
<p>El próximo viernes 4 de Abril, a las 10:00 de la mañana el Rev. Padre Jayr celebrará la santa Misa Tridentina en el altar de los Reyes de la Santa Iglesia Catedral Metropolitana de la Cd. De México.</p>
<p>Para esta ocasión especial, están muy cordialmente invitados a la Santísima Eucaristía, así como a recibir a nuestros hermanos de Wisconsin quienes tienen una muy bonita experiencia de restaurar su parroquia, y de quienes podemos aprender mucho.</p>
<p>Para mas información de la peregrinación pueden entrar a following was just posted on the Una Voce Mexico FB page:

“We remind you that Canon Benoît Jayr, of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign priest, along with 16 other pilgrims is coming to Mexico City, from the parish of St. Stanislaus in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

On Friday 4 April, at 10:00 in the morning the Rev. Father Jayr will celebrate the Tridentine Mass on the altar of the Kings of the Metropolitan Cathedral, DF of Mexico.

For this special occasion, you are cordially invited to the most Holy Eucharist, as well as to receive our brothers from Wisconsin who have very good experience in restoring their parish, and from whom we can learn a lot.

For more information of the pilgrimage can enter

My note: Not even Msgr. Schmitz had the privilege of using that magnificent altar when he celebrated Mass there in ’07!  After the Mass, the group will also have the grace of going down into the crypt where there is interred the body of the first bishop of Mexico, Bishop Zumarraga.  You may recall that Bishop Zumarraga was the one who received the miraculous tilma of our Lady of Guadalupe from St. Juan Diego.  

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Catholic Family News Responds to Voris’ Assaults

John Vennari on “going back to the cause of the problem.”

No, Michael Voris, the “buck doesn’t stop” with the bishops.

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St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

Happy Feast Day of St. Joseph!

Spanish art_StO GUARDIAN of Virgins and holy Father St. Joseph, into whose faithful keeping were entrusted Christ Jesus, Innocence itself, and Mary, Virgin of virgins, I pray and beseech thee by these dear pledges, Jesus and Mary, that, being preserved from all uncleanness, I may with spotless mind, pure heart and chaste body, ever serve Jesus and Mary most chastely all the days of my life. Amen.

St. Joseph, Protector and Guardian of the Church, come to the defense of Holy Mother Church in her hour of greatest need!


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Generosity with God, An Offering of Self

One repays love with love.

“Lord, I offer myself to Thee to be the living victim of my family: I desire to be sacrificed so that my relatives and all those I love may be blessed, sanctified and saved.

“Lord, I offer myself to Thee to be the living victim of such and such a good work that I am interested in, and to which I devote myself; I desire to be sacrificed that this work may live and prosper.

“Lord, I offer myself to Thee, to be a living victim for Thy Priests; I desire to be sacrificed in order to succor Thy Sacred Ministers, that their Priesthood may be made holy and fruitful.

“Lord, I offer myself to Thee to be the living victim of Thy Holy Will, that I may follow my vocation to its utmost limits, that I may fulfill my whole mission, that I may realize all Thy designs upon me.

“Lord, I offer myself to Thee to be the living victim of Thy Love; I desire to be sacrificed that Thy Holy Name may be hallowed, that Thy Kingdom may come, that Thy Will may be done, that Thou mayest be better known, more loved, more glorified.

“Lord, I offer myself to Thee to be a little living victim for sinners; I desire to be sacrificed so as to be associated with the Redemption wrought by Thy Son, and to make up that ‘which is wanting to His Passion,’ His sufferings, and His Death; I wish to be sacrificed that I may, in union with Him, expiate, make amends, and win merit.”     —  Abbé Astruc

These are prayer that will help us to grow in faith, hope, charity, and generosity.  Why not try at least one this Lenten season?

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Pope Francis and the SSPX: An Opportunity

What’s with all the “gaggings”?  Even  the mild-mannered Patrick Archibold is not allowed to put forth a legitimate question.  Link here: PATRICK ARCHBOLD:

“I must say that I am still in a state of shock, so I will refrain from any commentary on the situation.  Suffice it to say, below you will find the contents that the Register felt was beyond the bounds and removed after posting, even though I had advance clearance to run it.”

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Prof. de Mattei, Another Casualty

And in the latest news, Professor Roberto de Mattei has been given the “boot” by Radio Maria for an article recently published. Below is a Google translation of excerpts of that article. He joins Palmaro and Gnocchi for daring to say that the emperor wears no clothes!

The original article in Italian is here at Corrispondenza Romana.

“The case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , exploding at the beginning of July , has brought to light a glaring contradiction between the constant references to the mercy of Pope Francis, and his staff assigned to the Commissioner Fidenzio Volpi to annihilate one of the few religious institutions are flourishing today .”

“February 11 [2o13 – the day Benedict XVI announced his decision to abdicate]marked the beginning of an acceleration of  time, which consequence is the result of a movement that is dizzying . We live an hour of history that is not necessarily the end of time, but it is certainly the decline of a civilization and the end of an era in the life of the Church. If at the close of this period the clergy and Catholic laity do not assume their responsibilities to the end , inevitably it will come to be fulfilled that destiny that the seer of Fatima saw unfold before her eyes :

“We saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father.” Several other bishops , priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, on top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork- tree with the bark , the Holy Father , before reaching through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way , having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired several rounds of gunfire and arrows, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, Religious, and various lay people , men and women of different ranks and positions . Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal watering can in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God. ”

“The dramatic vision of May 13 should be more than enough to motivate us to meditate, pray and act. The city is already in ruins , and the soldiers enemies are at the gates . Who loves the Church defends it , in order to hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. ( Roberto de Mattei )”

Bravo, Professor de Mattei!

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Sr. Lucia, Cause for Her Canonization

It has been written that even during life, Sr. Lucia’s prayers were so powerful as to work miracles.  What now that she is in heaven?  Since our Lady promised to take the three seers to heaven, I am confident that she is there!

The cause for her canonization has been started, and there is a web site from where you may request second class relics, and submit your prayer requests.

Those prayer requests  will be placed in the cell where Sister Lúcia lived and died in the Carmel of Coimbra, and placed at the feet of the Image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  The web page is here at Sister Lucia/Cause of Beautification

Pray to her with confidence and  send details of any favors received through her intercession to:

Carmelo de Santa Teresa

Rua de Santa Teresa, No. 16

3000-359 Coimbra, Portugal.

May the prayers of Sr. Lucia obtain the proper consecration of Russia at long last, so that Russia will become a Catholic nation.  May the triumph of our Lady’s Immaculate Heart then usher in the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over nations!

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Medjugorje, Money Laundering, Failed Papacy….

So what is to happen now that the Ruini commission has turned in it’s report to the Pope?

Watch Michael Voris and E. Michael Jones take on a “sacred cow”!

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Christmas Every Month in Chicago

I have not totally abandoned my “child”, i.e., this blog.  It is just that I have immersed myself in some works of charity, and this past Advent, delved into more spiritual reading and and meditation.

For now, though, I remind readers that Christmas is never over!  You may celebrate it monthly on the 25th of every month at the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Chicago (6415 South Woodlawn Avenue – tel: 1-773-363-7409).  A novena to the Infant King begins on the 17 of every month and culminates with a solemn High Mass on the 25th.  The celebration includes a procession, blessing of children, and veneration of a relic of the manger on which our Lord lay that first Christmas!

If you click on the flickering”candle” to the right of this page, you may submit your petitions for the novena, while making a donation which will go towards the restoration of the church.

Monthly Novena ICRThank you, Paige, for allowing me the use of your photo!

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